Yay earworms!
I had a Scarlet Tuesday. A truck was arriving late to my site today, when I'm the only one there. Mgr said he'd come down to unload if needed, so I could continue to do my job. Truck came, I called him, and DHBoss said, "Nah, Rube can handle it." 20 minutes of unloading. Had to send 2 non-processed orders over to the main building so I could meet all my deadlines. NewBoss (who is 3rd in line behind DH and Mgr), asks, "Why not processed?! You may have to come over to close these..."
I called him, and (professionally) voiced my frustration at the BS that just went on. "Hey, we're not sending assistance, therefore preventing you from doing what NewBoss is asking you to do, but then you have to clean up the stuff we didn't allow you to do in the first place." Yeah, I was not happy. After talking with NewBoss and explaining what transpired, he was cool with it to an extent (since he has to answer to Mgr, who was mad about the situation, oh, that HE created in the first place).