If you feel the urge to stop by the Kelly's on Revere Beach Blvd, let me know (assuming the game is after the 18th of January)! Bring sandwiches and you can come over and eat inside where it's warm.
Points system (as explained by a "senior" poster):
1 point for watching hockey (I believe it's supposed to be live)
1 point for consumption of booze
1 point for scoring with a lady (or gentleman, I suppose, in our case)
Just got back for a weekend in Philly. Went to see the Body Worlds exhibit and then went to the Mutter museum. It was a weekend of medical overload (for those who aren't familiar: Body Worlds is the touring exhibit of "plasticized" bodies and body parts where the skin has been removed so you can see the insides. The Mutter museum is a collection attached to the Philadelphia College of Medicine that is home to 200+ skulls and 2000+ medical specimens including many deformed limbs, feti, etc. that have been preserved). We also had an awesome dinner with an adorable waiter (highly recommend Devon's in Philly) and it was dad's birthday.