Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 88: What's in your stash?
ewe, regarding your rep....
This is one time when the lawyers are the good guys. First and foremost, please understand what an
enormous part of Colorado's revenue is generated through the ski industry.
If a ski resort--in this case specifically Breckenridge--develops a reputation for being the cite of too many "reckless skiers," skiers who would normally book vacations to Breck in ski season will look elsewhere.
An example. Mr. and Mrs. Smith wonder whether they should book a ski vacation to Breck because they are concerned their daughter, ten year old Mary, may be hit by a reckelss skier who just finished his or her lunch by smoking a bowl or two of marijuana. If such a concern causes The Smiths to book a ski vacation in Winter Park rather than Breck the tax base
in Breck suffers. True, The Smiths will be spending money
within the state of Colorado....but if Breck's reputation as a cite of too many marijuana stoked reckless skiers causes The Smiths [and other families] to book their ski vacation
outside Colorado[say in Utah] then the entire state's revenue stream is adversely effected.
When attorneys in Colorado successfully prosecute a "reckelss skier" case it sends a message to skiers that if you choose to ski in Colorado you must do so in a responsible fashion or there will be consequences. Successful prosecution of such cases serves to protect the ski industry in Colorado by assuring skiers, who live elsewhere but choose to vacation here, that they can ski without fear of injury caused by recreational drug users on the slopes.
The economies of Colorado ski resort towns are largely seasonal. [Yes, Colorado ski resort towns do draw vacationers in summer as well, but the bulk of a ski town's economy hinges on a successful ski season]. Again, if a subsequent result of yesterday's election in Breck truns out to be an increase in the number of "reckless skier" incidents with large cash awards resulting from prosecutorial action, then the long term effect on Breck's ski industry could be devastating.
Yes, in yesterday's election residents of Breck won the right to possess and use less than an ounce of marijuana. The greater consequence of what effect that will have on the ski industry remains to be seen. And again the right to possess and use less than an ounce of marijauana in Breck does
not supercede or overturn the
state law which requires anyone on a mountain to ski responsibly or face the consequences. The election result certainly has opened a can or worms for the ski industry in Breck. If fewer skiers book vacations in Breck because its slopes are seen as the cite of devastating injuries caused by impaired/reckless skiers the economic impact will be felt up and down main Street in Breck. [And yes, the heart of Breck is a street named Main Street.]