Absolutely. And no one wants to see him on too low level of a team. If he were to fall to a B2 team, he would score 6 goals a game. He's a first year peewee now and this is a ridiculously strong group of kids so he may not make the A team in any case. We actually should have two A teams this season as the group is that strong. If he and some of the other A squirts from last year are on B1 teams it's going to be a bloodbath at district tourney again with an all Edina playoff (unless the district puts Edina teams in pools together).
Two years ago the state final in B was Edina white versus Edina green. We're going to have 1 A, 2 B1, 4 B2, 5 C teams.

We'll likely have many teams with 80%+ winning records due to the strength of this group.
My kid'll be a C player again.

I just hope he gets a good coach.