Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 82: Games in a Season for the big boys
Morning Lodge. In '82 I was living in Oakland, California and considering going to Pennsylvania on assignment (which is where I met the lovely Mrs. Goldy).
wT, I agree with Gonzo, et. al. Better safe than sorry.
Kid had orientation for middle school last night (doesn't start till next Tuesday). They have a 1/2 hour class on how to read the schedule. It apparently is not enough time. Whoever designed these schedules needs to be taken out and shot. I'm an engineer used to wading through jargon and deciphering arcane documents and this one is crap.
Lots of unnecessary information and codes that need interpretation. No reason to make this so esoteric.
If they are confusing enough then someone needs to be important enough to explain them.
wT- stuff learned over the years of having a traveling husband with published schedule and a bunch of equaly freaked out friends with the same...
- get an alarm with an instant alarm feature. You put that on when you are in for the night you set the instant feature. Also get one that beeps every time a door or window is opened. Ours also has an instant silent alarm feature. hit certain buttons and they will automatically send police. Put a few keypads around even if you are on one floor. By the bedroom or in an area where you can gt to it from your BR. This has been worth every penny in sanity.
- have people call you every night to check in.
-I used to put cookie tins in front of the doors and lower floor windows. Someone else I know balanced cake pans etc- anything that makes noise if disturbed.
-Do not have a routine when you enter- always put lights on in differnet areas of the house. Keep some shades shut, others open. Always put the shades down in some of the rooms with the lights on. That way no one knows what room you are in.
-Get lights that turn on with sensors outside the house. We have one that dims to almost nothing and goes on very bright if anything comes near. Got it at home Depo and put it in ourselves.
-get lights on timers inside the house. That way you can go to bed and the light in another part of the house goes off afterwards.
-keep your cell by the bed. Also I have a big flashlight/could be a club by my bed. One of the other wives jammed a hockey stick between the stairs and the door and in the slider and kept another by her bed in case.
-I always call someone on my cell and talk to them when I am entering the house if I am by myself. If anything were to happen the people know I am by myself and to call for help.
- Paranoia is uncomfortable but a safer state than not. Agree with calling the police and asking them if they have suggestions.
Hang in there.