Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 201: A State You Don't Expect
Greetings Lodge peeps. What an absolutely glorious weekend weather-wise here in 617-ville.
Had my pre-op appointment with my doctor on Thursday. My surgery is scheduled for this Wednesday. It's going to be a little more intense than I initially thought. My doctor had told me back in the fall when I found out about the torn tendon that he would also give me an arch in my foot (it's my really flat feet that caused this). What I didn't really understand was just how he will be doing that. Turns out he has to break and reset a couple of bones in my ankle. This is in addition to the grafting of a new tendon.

It is still going to be outpatient. I've been making arrangements here and at my mom's place where I will be spending most of my time.
I bought a knee scooter. Brought it up to my mom's yesterday as I'm not sure I'll be up to using it the first few days, plus her place has just that much more space to maneuver it. She borrowed her neighbor's portable wheelchair to help get me from the car to my place, and back to the car and into her place. Not sure if I'll be strong enough for the crutches. It's a bit of a walk so I want to be safe.
I asked my doctor about the pain. He said it would be twice as painful as when I had my bunions done 20 years ago. Which is OK since I really didn't have much pain when I had them. I am expecting the pain to be significant. I want to be prepared and expect pain so I don't freak out when it really hurts.
Was planning to meet with my boss tomorrow at 9:30 so I could go over my stuff and what needs to be done while I'm out (which isn't too much since I've done a lot to prepare). She had cancelled our 1:1 last Wednesday. Not sure if it was because she knew I was in an all-day meeting or she was really busy. Could have been both. I sent a proposed new time for this Wednesday's meeting since I'll be in the hospital. Then sent her an email to let her know I did that since we need to talk before I go out on leave. She sent a new meeting maker for my proposed time, I accepted. Then I looked at my email yesterday and it appears she cancelled it. Not sure why. It actually could be she did it by mistake. I would think she would have sent me a note as to why she cancelled it. I am a little concerned she doesn't realize I'm out as of Wednesday.
I'll be out on short term disability and I'm not allowed to do any work while I'm on it. I told my doctor about what she had said, and how she asked me if I would be able to postpone the surgery till June and he said "that's illegal." He also said that I'm not going back to work till he clears me to. So this should all be very interesting.
Yikes! That sounds like no fun! Your insurance should provide for a knee scooter. Check before you use yours. They should provide it either via lease or buy. When you are D/C they should be doing a PT consult to make sure you are mobile.
This. Scarlet- you know they are going to call even tho it is illegal. Be careful. I used to see this all the time- work not being prepared and then feeling they could expect the person to help out in the spirit of being a team player. They would purposefully not meet and then play the you didn't tell us, that is leaving us in the lurch, you can't expect us think that is OK. Just answer [this one question, help us out this time, etc] The guilt approach is amazingly effective esp on folks are already stressed, in pain, worried about their jobs. NO. No. NO! Their emergency is not your emergency.
BE CAREFUL!!! If you are not working, anything you do when you are out is technically on you- ie if you do something and someone sues you or if things go wrong you have breached your disability agreement
and technically you are not working or covered by the company during that time.
After hearing this one too many times and listening to people completely distressed and riddled with guilt I started to tell people the following:
-Send an email with an 'as you are aware (you can also quote when you informed them of your impending absence) I will be out on medical leave from [X] until at least [X]. I will not be available during this time for work related communication. I am aware there may be some questions during my absence. In an effort to facilitate a smooth [transition] during my medical leave I have included a list of all current items I have been working on and pertinent information'. DO NOT apologize for not being there to help. That is an opening for them to think they can call you, knowing you are feeling guilty. They will quote that you know you are causing difficulty.
-if for some reason she doesn't meet with you then note that you regret she was unable to meet with you before you were off on leave. It was unfortunate but you have emailed what you believe may be helpful.... .
- Make a doc with list of all ongoing projects, what is pending vs what is done. Put list of contact people, who would be best to call if there is an issue, if there are things that are not decided.
- If you receive a call tell them you cannot discuss work related issues. Refer them to the document. You don't owe any explanations but for people who couldn't say no I told them to say you are on medication that might cloud your judgment so it wouldn't be wise to answer.
-If you have a work phone shut it off or leave it at work. You can also click it to one of those auto responses- 'I am driving'.
-DO NOT check your work email. You are not working.
Even with this I saw people who swore they weren't going to do work feel guilty and cave in. I always worried what would happen if something went wrong because legally they weren't 'at work' so if they screwed up they were flying without a net.
Good Morning, MEUSA!

Good Morning, Mookie!
Good Morning to the rest of tLodge!
RFAlph- I got your email. Sorry, I haven't replied with info yet.
Good Evening Lodge!
Lottsa gardening and playing hookey with life.