Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #173: (Insert Title)
Back to work. Yuck.
Had a good weekend, it could even be called productive! Ran some errands with the wife on Saturday after the Gopher FB game. (convinced her to let me watch the whole game before going, success!) Picked out pumpkins (a concession by me, to because she wanted pumpkins), went to a pottery sale put on by Mrs. Shirtless Guy's brother, and bought a few early Christmas gifts (thought it was a good idea to take advantage of this pottery sale to buy some one-of-a-kind gifts, since we won't have a chance to do it again before Christmas, most likely), and picked up supplies to change oil in the truck and the 4-wheeler. Saturday morning we made a beef stew, and let it sit in the crock pot cooking all day. By about 7:00, it was excellent. Also had a campfire, just the 2 of us on Saturday evening, and got into the house just in time for the start of the Wild game.
Went for a run first thing in the morning, wife wants to get in better shape, and I have no arguments, because we really do need it. Got back, and changed my oil right away. After discussing some more, we decided that we wanted to get even more pottery gifts, and ran down there again on Sunday for a few more items, and with that we have 4 Christmas gifts already done! Hopefully this strategy will make me much less ornery when it gets to be December, as usually Christmas does nothing but **** me off. Then met up with Brent at OC for the 2nd half of the game, had a few beers and had some apps.
Stopped at Lowes on the way home, to buy some supplies for a little project around the house. We have a ****ty window-unit AC unit, and no central air. Except the AC is in a hole in the wall, designed specifically for an air conditioner. I had to replace the AC last year, and couldn't get a unit with the right dimensions. It has bugged the wife ever since, since it looked like hell, and it wasn't energy efficient. So I decided to pull the AC unit out for the winter, and replace it with a plug. So I made a little section of wall, that fit right in the gap, filled it with insulation, and installed it. Today I just need to finish the oak on the inside of the plug, to match the trim, and paint the outside to match the siding. So, yeah, got some stuff done this weekend!
And the Gophers won, and the Wild may be unbeatable. And my hockey team is still undefeated!