there's a good buck in that racket.
unless i'm missing something, it looks cold... but htat's about it... and i hope so because i'm flying.
cold is nasty. ugh. brrrrrrrrrr
unless i'm missing something, it looks cold... but htat's about it... and i hope so because i'm flying.
mookie... don't look at 1:29 of this vid you have been little girl who falls under mookie's realm. 'nuff said!![]()
mookie's got his sensitive on! And no, peers.this isn't someone whom you can replace in the corp hierarchy? is it? (just askin')
was it your number mookie txt the pic of quiz and sloe gin last night?
Forecast is for -5 tonight. It's too early for this stuff.Morning Lodge. HHT last night. Seventeen Minnesota skaters have scored goals so far. In only two of their 11 games has one skater scored two goals. Distributed scoring - who you gonna shut down?
We are building outdoor ice fast with this weather. Could be skating on the pond by Thanksgiving for sure if it holds to forecast. Maybe even tomorrow if it stays clear tonight. Going to the Farmers Market this AM to pick up our turkey - free range bird for smoking. Had one last year and it was outstanding.
Before I track down one of those computer help threads or start a new one, I will ask here. Is it possible for the wireless card in my laptop to die? I had my computer on, went to take a shower, came back to my laptop and noticed the connection was lost. It won't let me get back on. It's working fine on my iPad and phone, so that's why I think it's my computer.
I would think it's possible.
Yeah, I think that's what it is. I hooked it up to the cable modem with the wireless router in it and it worked. Crap. I wonder if it's worth it to fix that.
Yikes GEGreetings from snowy London, Ont., been busier than a one-armed paper hanger the past few days!
Scary frickin night last night. We were in the high rollers club room at our hotel for beer when one of my co-workers went into a full Grand Mal Seizure. Got him on his side and kept his airway clear but he actually stopped breathing and could see his color move toward blue so we rolled him to his back and give him chest compressions. We were able to jump start him but his breathing was really labored. Paramedics showed up in 10 or so minutes and he was still seizing. The got him to the local hospital and he regained consciousness while there.....someone had called our manager and she met him. No history of seizures, diabetes, heart/blood pressure problems or anything else that would indicate this would happen nor could the medical team anything wrong when they did the CAT scan. They ended up discharging him last night. I was just going to be when my manager called and asked me to stay in his room last night just in case and he was able to fly home this afternoon on the corporate jet.
I don't need to be part of that again....jebus! Hardly slept last night.
Luckily I was able to watch the Rodents lay a hurt on the pups via my parent's Slingbox.![]()
hehyes she does!!!! thank you.
i shared with lil a picture of a banner (very professionally made) that was up last night. "season ticket holders against TB"
yes, the ref last night was benedetto. after the game tb has yellin at the guys and they were giving it back to him. rather amusing to say the least!!
Are the seats at the *HT always this uncomfortable?*HT. Not used to this.![]()
Are the seats at the *HT always this uncomfortable?