Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #164: Weekend Plans
Patman, you should be able to get 5-6 in a room if you're using an air mattress. You're not doing this for comfort! (Yes, we've done this kind of thing many times, 5,6,7, 8 people staying in one room) Saves a whole bunch of money, especially when hotels are as expensive as what I saw in downtown Pittsburgh when I was considering making the trip earlier this year.
I'm extremely happy with the hockey results last weekend. All of the bad guys lost! Ever since the *******s ****ed everything up I've been pulling for the ECAC, since that is the type of league I think the nWCHA will reform into. It is very nice to see 2 ECAC teams in the FF, then add in Lowell, and it is excellent. I'd have rather not seen St. Cloud there, but I really don't have anything against the team, I just think a large majority of their fanbase is unbearable. The only better team from that region would have been Mankato, so I'm really just glad that the brotherhoood dooshbags or the Irish didn't make it.
So, today is the Twins home opener.....I went to last years opener. It was my first date with my girlfriend. Its been a year. We're pretty excited about it, its been a great year, and we expect many more to come. We decided to remember our first date as the Twins home opener, instead of April xx. To be different, and it is really easy to remember. I'm going to get reservations to take her out for a nice dinner Friday night, since we're pretty busy during the week.