Re: Rep Retirement Lodge #164: Weekend Plans
Given that the D&P guys used the cable that TC3net installed to their receiver to the new one, I'm not going to be too nasty to TC3net. I guess technically they would have a legal leg to stand on to take it, but eh, Ethernet cable can't be that expensive.
That was kind of tempting, but didn't really get super nasty with him. He wanted to give us credit on our account for next month, but after I explained to him that their lack of customer service towards me and my problem lead me to look at other options for internet and that I wasn't going to be giving them another red cent, he said that he would be sending out a refund in a few weeks. Will probably have to call about that later on to make sure we get it. He didn't sound all that happy when I informed him that he was losing a customer due to that. Then was trying to set up another service call up and I informed him that there's already one on the books, and it just got easier as TC3net was going to be taking down their receiver anyways. Just that they didn't have to bother with the whole DSL BS they was going to try to stick us with."Eat a bag of dicks, you cum guzzling twat waffle." I think I got that rep once.
Given that the D&P guys used the cable that TC3net installed to their receiver to the new one, I'm not going to be too nasty to TC3net. I guess technically they would have a legal leg to stand on to take it, but eh, Ethernet cable can't be that expensive.
You can't fix stupid.Once I calmed down and decided to appease the guy, things worked out. The only thing I changed was to take my paragraph explanation and break it into steps/sentence fragments. Which got the response, "looks great. thanks."
*facepalm* It was the same **** thing.