Way to go Lil!HTT (Happy Track table!!!) Lil qualified for States and dropped 10 seconds off his PR for the 2 mile. I thought I was going to chew on my heart. This watching your kid thing is more intense than a stress test.
Kids squirt game has a little Asian girl reffing!!!
HTT (Happy Track table!!!) Lil qualified for States and dropped 10 seconds off his PR for the 2 mile. I thought I was going to chew on my heart. This watching your kid thing is more intense than a stress test.
Kids squirt game has a little Asian girl reffing!!!
No you don't. The ones we had tonight looked like replacement refs called up from the local mite and squirt games. They were awful. Not that it made a difference in the game but they were so inconsistant I was lost*HT. I want Hockey East refs the next time we have to play an extra game against those **********s.
No you don't. The ones we had tonight looked like replacement refs called up from the local mite and squirt games. They were awful. Not that it made a difference in the game but they were so inconsistant I was lost
Anything's better than the crap we get in the ECAC. Be thankful you left 28 years ago.
Speaking of which, did you sense that disturbance in the force yesterday?? ;-)
well tell mookie what lil' saw!!!!!They showed Jasmine on teh Jumbotron and Lil turns to me and says "Where's mookie? That's a good outfit!"
Still #1. I will take it.
Have fun kissing your sister tonight?
If it makes you feel better, Sloe Gin is legit on the ledge. He's the Whioux's Scooby right now.