Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 140: The Brave Days of Old
It all went poof for reasons unknown. Since Board didn't even save the HoF threads which it had declared save-worthy, they certainly didn't bother with these threads. I do think that some of the Repping threads were worth saving, but they probably would only have seemed important to those of us who were here in the summer of 2007.
I want to say it was aparch, but it definitely was a Lodge member did find most of the material from the HoF thread about 9/11 and saved it somewhere. IMO, that was the most poignant thread on USCHO, and it had zero to do with hockey. I really wish that Board would have informed us of the purge in advance. I also would have personally saved the thread about the fight to continue to allow D-III schools playing up to give athletic scholarships.
Speaking of things that seem important only to a few, here's Rep Thread Summary #2 of 13, dated 5 June 2007, from the
No Pics, No HTML thread (post 385):
Ralph started this new poll off with a really bad choice of rep levels.
“News” = North + East + West + South
Almington morphed into a sad panda.
I joined the rep-spreadsheet wing of the Centurions, while some (e.g. ARM) are resisting the urge, and others (e.g. wolverineTrumpet) are close to joining the dark side.
con1977 is throwing monkey poo all over, wolverineTrumpet gave double-header (138) rep to a lot of people she really doesn’t know, and gmann is giving beaver rep.
200 is the new 100.
# + ### + # + 1 = ### !!!
Exit 69 on I-75 in Troy, Michigan is labeled “Big Beaver Road.”
Lots of people will hit lots of other people tomorrow when their rep guns reload.
A Shot and a Goal speaks French (post #134).
Large bears can pose a danger to wolverines.
Elmo and Dilbert are both angry, and, in Dilbert’s case, gay too (or maybe he’s just a tranny).
pro1disp showed up late again (#225), but didn’t ask what he missed this time. Never ask what you missed (see post #264).
Enema-induced fecal evacuation could choke an elephant.
Those who rep UMDBulldogHockeyIsKing will get their just desevrings.
Lots of people drank beer Friday night while I worked.
erin, hockeybando, leswp1, Quizmire, and wolverineTrumpet are smoking hot chicks.
People who don't matter enjoy DMB's music.
Post 363 caused heads to hurt. (A Shot and a Goal: I took the liberty of speaking for everyone else on this one!)
Lots of people drank beer Saturday night while I worked on this summary.