Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 114: Who gives a...
No. And it isn't the weekend yet today either
I get them but it is the thing that lets me be gainfully employed. No massage= not being able to wrk because my neck is so screwed up.
It has been quite gratifing to see some of the people who come into clinic in obvouse pain, limping and shuffing in, and when they come out, they've got a whole lot more of a spring in their step. Probably one of the dramatic cases we have there is this old retired prof from Wayne State of all places. Tends to have a problem of playing too much golf, and gets all out of whack from it all. He would talk your ear off if you let him, and usually we have to remind him to keep quiet. Usually goes in really feeling it, but has been known to either click his heels or dance a little jig when he gets out of there.
@Monster - Massages are awesome. I haven't had one in about a year, but you just feel so unbelievably relaxed - muscles move the way they haven't in a long time. Some day I will get them once a month. *wistful sigh*
You might want to try looking into finding a massage school in the Boston Area thats pretty good. Given Boston size, I would figure that there would have to be at least one decent one there. Offering yourself up to be a practice body for somebody would be cheaper for ya, and let you try out different stuff, different therapists. And if the school charges about what about my does for the general public, 35 for a hour isn't bad, and throw in five for a tip, far more cheaper than any other rates you'll get.
When I put that word in my sig I had no idea we'd get this much mileage out of it.
It is the gift that keeps on Giving.
Making a lemon tart and brownies for tomorrow then heading for a wedding barBQ. Yes I know. It does sound odd. What does one wear to a wedding BBQ?
Never wear white when you are planning on eating BBQ.
Posting from my new phone.

how long before I pull a mookie and post from the can?
I don't know, when was the last time you had some fiber in your diet?
Grrrrr.... Getting achy from learning NMT today. Its kinda hard on your thumbs to do, and well, since its hard on the thumbs and takes us a while to get a ruetine down, we're only suppost to be working one side of our partner's bodies. I'm feeling all beat up and lopsided. Not sure if getting the work done on the other side would help me at all right now or not.