Re: Rep Retirement Lodge 105: 2010 Assessment
One Lemon Drop
Two Leomn Drop
Trehe Lmeon dorp
Great to hear about the dog Mandy!!! Yeah, no worries about that ticket. It would probably be pretty hard for you to get it to me, as that you would be inside the Joe at that time. might just go and support a scalper.Puppy! I'm getting the puppy! (2 year old black lab mix)
wT's new pup
I'm not sure what to call her yet. She's currently named Maddie, but I think that's to similar to Mandy.
I logged on to Facebook because I wanted to share my awesome news....but one of my friends just had her dog pass away and posted about it an hour ago. It doesn't seem like the best timing for me to celebrate.
I think it's spoken for. Just waiting to hear back on what time my other friend would be able to go. I'll let you know if that doesn't work out though.
And Hammer, thanks for the refill.
Hi kids. Posting grom the orangwe line on the way home. Had nt first lemon dropo f the season cuz ir was almost summery out today. It's hottie bartender's birhtdya on Saturdya so I gave him a hug. He's soo effin hto.
One Lemon Drop
Two Leomn Drop
Trehe Lmeon dorp