Whiskey is sipped & savored while tequila is done in shot to get it down quickly. All you need to know.
Except Jack. That is shot only. The exception to the rule.
Because it's really not that good? Yep, I said that.....not a big fan.
Whiskey is sipped & savored while tequila is done in shot to get it down quickly. All you need to know.
Evan - very good!
If I ever propose to a woman at a baseball game, I deserve to be beaten with a shovel.
If I ever propose to a woman at a baseball game, I deserve to be beaten with a shovel.
Amen. I always hope that the girl will say no every time I see some clown do that. Sporting events are not proposal locations. Ever.
Yeah. I can drink whiskey/bourbon all night, no prob. 1 sip of tequila that is NOT in a margarita, and it's insta-puke. Dunno why.
Because you have developed a puking response to the taste of tequila. I assume that back in the day you had a hard night of drinking that involved way to much tequila that resulting in making your body very, very unhappy.
Speaking of alcohol, I've been drinking way, way to much of late and been doing it alone again. I think that it might be best if I just give it up completely going forward, as I seem to easily develop a very unhealthy relationship with it.
At least not on video. A buddy proposed in an arena, but it was something that no one around them noticed.
That's my reason for not being able to touch tequila anymore. Bad night, yet oh so good.Because you have developed a puking response to the taste of tequila. I assume that back in the day you had a hard night of drinking that involved way to much tequila that resulting in making your body very, very unhappy.
Speaking of alcohol, I've been drinking way, way to much of late and been doing it alone again. I think that it might be best if I just give it up completely going forward, as I seem to easily develop a very unhealthy relationship with it.
Speaking of alcohol, I've been drinking way, way to much of late and been doing it alone again. I think that it might be best if I just give it up completely going forward, as I seem to easily develop a very unhealthy relationship with it.
Just got a call from my girlfriend.. Her best friend was in a motorcycle crash and wasn't breathing when taken to the hospital.
Outside of saying I'm there for her and trying to encourage her, pray for her, etc, I'm not really sure how to handle this. A very tragic and unfortunate situation, to say the least.