Speaking to the host John Dehlin, Achenbach explained conversations and teachings she received from leaders of the Mormon Church.
She said: "[The leaders] said 'You know what, we think it is best you get married.
"'You are older, you have served the mission, you are a great candidate for marriage but you need to find a Black man.
"I remember I kept asking 'where am I supposed to find a Black man?'
They said 'It doesn't matter, you find a Black man, you convert him or go to an area where there are predominately Black men.'"
Achenbach detailed how this direction began to get frustrating. She also explained how she eventually confronted one of her leaders about the instructions to only go for a Black man.
On the podcast, she continued: "[I said] 'say it, I need you to say it. So Black people and white people aren't supposed to mix?
"They were like 'no they're not.' I said 'is there a reason?
"They said 'yes, because your seed is cursed. If your seed mixes with their seed then your children, your husband won't be cursed, but your children will be. Do you want that for your family?"
Speaking about the story, Achenbach sarcastically said: "Two Black people, we're just going to stay cursed. So you want me to find a Black man so I could be cursed with him and so our kids can be cursed, got it."