I am now ordained as a minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
I am now ordained as a minister of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Ad Astra Per Aspera to you(the state motto of Kansas is all I could think of).Speaking as an ordained Fryer of the United Church of Bacon, Dominus vobiscum.
Pastor gets called out for hateful message on marquee and then blames cancel culture. I would say fuck him, but let's be honest, no one should ever fuck him.
I'm honestly at the point where their hate just makes me hate them in kind. One of these days, these far right churches are going to reap what they have sown. Keep fucking around and they will find out.
How do you figure?
I assume removal of tax exemption, which should have happened 50 years ago when these "churches" exposed themselves as rightwing political clubs.
Basically they want Christ, but they don't want Christianity.
Younger millennials and Gen Z are increasingly not attending church. Basically they want Christ, but they don't want Christianity.
From what I see through my kids and their friends and cousins, they are good with christian philosophy but don't buy god or the religion.