Why should a fictitious Parise get credit for any plan to begin with.
Why should a fictitious Parise get credit for any plan to begin with.
Someone didn't actually click the link and doesn't understand the meaning of the piece.
Could it be . . . SATAN?
It's a picture of Jesus hanging upside down on a trans symbol with "God's Plan Has Failed" as the caption.
If you aren't someone the church would have killed 600 years ago, are you even living?
These sorts of arguments sound EXACTLY like a bunch of pimple faced teenagers arguing over whether Luke Skywalker would defeat Gandalf in one-on-one combat.
These sorts of arguments sound EXACTLY like a bunch of pimple faced teenagers arguing over whether Luke Skywalker would defeat Gandalf in one-on-one combat.
Let other complain that the age is wicked; my complaint is that it is paltry; for it lacks passion. Men's thoughts are thin and flimsy like lace, they are themselves pitiable like the lacemakers. The thoughts of their hearts are too paltry to be sinful. For a worm it might be regarded as a sin to harbor such thoughts, but not for a being made in the image of God. Their lusts are dull and sluggish, their passions sleepy. This is the reason my soul always turns back to the Old Testament and to Shakespeare. I feel that those who speak there are at least human beings: they hate, they love, they murder their enemies, and curse their descendants throughout all generations, they sin.
As the share of Catholic-affiliated hospitals increases through M&A, you're going to see a lot more of these stories.
Of course, we can vote with our feet. These are private businesses, so, never spend a penny in them. Boycott their business partners. Drive them into market non-competitiveness.