Unfortunately, there aren’t nearly enough intraregion games, or even intraconference games (especially in the east) to make a purely objective rating system, such as RPI or KRACH, valuable or remotely accurate. How many E v. W games were there this year? 5 maybe? A handful of games can’t decide who is better between a Norwich and a Marian.
D3 is a massive entity in all sports, spanning the country from coast to coast. This isn’t the only sport where teams that have never seen each other, and have no common opponents, are compared. With a much more limited schedule and budget than D1, the NCAA decided that criteria with some room for subjectivity would be best, and I don’t disagree. So, accept what it is, and trust in the league/school reps to make good decisions, or keep beating your head against the wall. Only one of those choices will kill you