I said . . . that the efforts of guys like Mariucci and Brooks at Minnesota were instrumental to the growrh of the sport in Minnesota and this country.
Who is Puck Swami? Anyone know anything about him? Is his opinion respected in hockey circles? Thanks.
I have a quick question myself...is BC still gonna miss the NCAA tourney?
Let's see...59 teams, so each team starts with an importance factor of 100/59 = 1.7. On that scale, Minnesota is probably around a 5 out of 100 - more important than any other individual program, but still relatively small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. No program is bigger than the game.
Top Ten Reasons Puck Swami Is Better Than You
<li value ="10">He didn't expect others to bow down to his team
<li value ="9">He wasn't a jerkoff
<li value ="8">He didn't whine when someone didn't bow down to his team
<li value ="7">He wasn't a jerkoff
<li value ="6">He could interact with other fanbases without acting like a baby
<li value ="5">He wasn't a jerkoff
<li value ="4">He could interact with his own fanbase without acting like a baby
<li value ="3">He wasn't a jerkoff
<li value ="2">He didn't think the world owed his team a thank you note
<li value ="1">He wasn't a jerkoff
#4 is his biggest problem
In fairness, some people in our fanbase haven't been very nice to me either. But you're right, I didn't help my cause. I've turned the page and just ignoring the criticism![]()
for example, it truly is a year that "Better Dead than Red" needs to be taken to heart.
So we can all agree on quite a few things:
- Puck Swami was indeed a fantastic poster, with a lot of class and great insight to the game and how its played at the collegiate level.
- Minnesota is a **** fine program, with a lot of history and tradition to be proud of.
- So are other programs, and we don't have to be c-rags about it.
- JDubbs is, at best, kind of an ***. I'm being kind here.
Swami stopped posting because he criticized a player on here, and later dealt with angry family members of that player at a game. He never insulted the player, just commented on what he needed to work on.
He repeatedly talked about how much he respected the Gophers, and expounded about them doing well was good fir the game at the college level. I remember him saying how he considered going to Minnesota as an undergrad, but he was afraid that all the beautiful corn-fed blondes would keep him from getting anything done.![]()