Re: Question on Recruiting
My daughter is a goalie and is just starting the recruiting process. She has not really spoken to any coaches yet. She has her first meeting next week. My question for anyone who has gone through this process is this.. Is there any specific things she should be look at (beyond the academics - this one school has her major so that is a very good thing). As a goaltender, does the school provide the equipment? Should she ask about playing time as a freshman? Any advice would be helpful. She is very excited. She has a couple of DIII options and a couple of DI.
Thank you
Goalie or skater, I suggest you take a pro active roll to help out...pronto.
Specifically, (if you haven't already done so), I would strongly suggest putting together a skills DVD and don't be afraid to spend some money to have all the good out takes from your videos put together by a professional onto a DVD, if you don't have the ability or equipment to do so yourself. It might cost you $200-300 but that's peanuts compared to the potential reward. And spend time on the intro and the closing, making very clear and in large print your daughter's name and all contact info. The higher the quality of the job the better, since you are now entering the field of sales and your goal is to make an sell the viewer on your daughter...meaning at least enough to consider your daughter by making an inquiry...or better yet, by sending one of the asst. coaches out to scout her...(these programs consider scores of these every year)...but, this can be accomplished without spending much more than I've indicated above, providing you already have a good amout of footage that you've taken of her play.
And I suggest that you take a hands on approach in which clips get included in the DVD from your footage as opposed to leaving it up to someone (the person putting the DVD together from the footage that you shot) who most likely dosen't have a clue and worse, dosen't care. You're paying them for their technical skills, not for their hockey knowledge.
Don't make your video more than 10 minutes in want to strike a balance between giving the viewer a good look at your daughter, (enough to whet their appetite), and trying their patience.
I would also suggest that you put together a history, in chronological order, from earliest to most recent, of all of your daughter's athletic accomplishments.
If possible, but highly recommended, add a few genuine letters of recommendation from people who know your daughter and who have credibility in the hockey community...the more crediblity, the better.
Then get as many copies of each made as you feel you will need...then fire off a package (with all 3 items enclosed) to the head coach of each of the programs that your daughter would be interested in playing might also want to consider mailing the packages in envelopes that draw the reader's attention by having the word "URGENT" in red ink professionally printed on the envelopes.
Remember, the goal is to get their attention and to stand out above the pile of others that are sitting on their desk so that they will actually be motivated to view the DVD. Once they do, the quality of the DVD that you've put together should make a further impression. The greater your daughter's skill level that is showcased on the DVD is that much more to the good.
Doing the above should dramatically increase your daughter's chances of getting some calls, thereby increasing the options that she will ultimately have.
Best of luck.