Re: Proposed NCAA rule changes for 2010-2011
* Reducing or eliminating ties. The committee believes a change is in the best interests of the game and voted to implement changes at its June 2010 meeting to either reduce or eliminate tie games. The committee will collect and consider all written proposals from the membership.
This is not a bad idea - I would think ties would be reduced if they just extended OT to 10 minutes. The NHL scheme of going 4 x 4 for OT has merit as well. Maybe a 10 minute 4 x 4 OT would work.
Shootouts are okay, but I wouldn't want to see a tie breaking system where the winner gets two points and loser gets a point, unless you change it to the point where the team that wins a game in OT or regulation gets 3 points. Every game should contribute the same number of points to the standings.
* Puck shot directly out of play.When the puck is shot directly out of play from the defensive zone, the committee is considering conducting the faceoff in the non-offending team’s attacking zone without a change of players allowed. The committee does not currently believe a penalty is warranted for such action; at the moment, a team that does this would be allowed to change players.
This is a good idea. The intent of doing this is the same as icing the puck - the penalty should be the same as for icing.
* Shot that hits the post and goes out of play – faceoff location. Currently, because the attacking team last touched the puck, a shot that hits the post and goes out of play comes outside of the zone. The committee is considering keeping this faceoff in the attacking zone.
I'm not sure I've seen this happen very often. The change is reasonable
* Timeout during situations where players are not allowed to change. Currently, if a team calls a timeout during a situation where, by rule, it is not allowed to change its players, the rule remains in place. Some coaches have asked why they are not allowed to change players since only one timeout is allowed per game. The NCAA rule is currently consistent with NHL rules.
I guess I don't really care whatever
* Icing the puck during shorthanded situations. The committee is considering implementing a rule change that would not allow shorthanded teams to ice the puck.
Yuck - they experimented with this rule in tournaments a few years ago and used it in the Times-Argus. I hated this. I thought it totally changed the strategy for the PK and PP. I don't think we need to change the entire flow of the game this way.
* Delayed penalty administration. In this proposal, when a penalty is called on a team in its defensive zone, the offending team must clear the puck out of its defensive zone before play is stopped.
Probably the same thing could be accomplished if the refs would actually require that the defense control the puck (I know that's the rule), but so often I've seen the whistle blown when the puck just deflects off a defensive stick. They could do a tournament test of the proposed rule, but I'm not in favor of it.
* Leaving the feet to play the puck. This proposal deals with defensive players diving or sliding to block shots or passes. A minor penalty would be imposed for a violation.
Stupid idea. What's next - going back to the 60s era rule that didn't allow body checking in the offensive zone? I don't know what this rule would be trying to do.