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You dont say...
Dammit. This new board update sucks. I completely missed that page and saw the politico article re-Tweeted this morning.
You dont say...
Who told Trump it was a good idea to have a Town Hall?
Whoever did should keep telling him it is.
It would have been nice if he would have been cut off at the lies.
It would have been nice if he would have been cut off at the lies.
Would have been a real short show.
we all know he lies...and sadly...as awful as it was...it won't move the needle one bit.
Someone pointed out on Twitter that ABC did a good job of getting honest to God "I don't quite know who to vote for" in tonight's audience.
I was in touch today with someone who was at Irwin; she reached out to me and is part of a broad network of sources that are necessary for my work as an immigration reporter. Trust me when I say there's more to come.
Would have been a real short show.
we all know he lies...and sadly...as awful as it was...it won't move the needle one bit.
I'm not so sure. It won't move the needle for his base or for those of us who didn't vote for him. But I know some people who voted dump in 16 but will not this year who are sick and tired of his lies. It's one way dump voters can take themselves off the hook, I suppose, rather than admitting they were suckers who just used very bad judgment. And it might not take very many in some battleground states.
They're just anecdotal evidence, though, and may not prove much.
Apparently the Faux propagandists panicked and referred to it as an "ambush", so ABC News must've done something right for once.
I mean that last night should not have provided a revelation to anyone that Trump lies. We all know he does. His base just doesn't care or is so delusional they believe him. Either way... No one should have come away from last night just finding out he lies.
Consequently it shouldn't have swung anyone's vote. If you know he lies ..you likely aren't voting for him. If you don't care he lies or you believe him...you're likely voting for him.
There shouldn't be anyone who knows he lies...yet is voting for him.
That's why I think it won't move the needle. Last night provided no new information on who he is...it just made him look stupid which we already knew.
Who is "we?"
I don't disagree with nearly all of what you said. I think only idiots would have voted for him in '16 and was shocked with the result. And nobody thinks his base will change their allegiance, no matter what he does or says. I just don't think we know for certain which voters in that small class of "gettables" might vote Dump, Biden, or stay home.