Deutsche Gopher Fan
Registered User
Of course trump is saying he doesn’t believe Germany that the Russian guy was poisoned. He needs to see evidence, he says.
I find it hard to believe there are enough "undecided" voters left to move the election one way or another. On September 4, 2020 I cannot fathom a person being unable to know whether or not trump has earned his or her vote. There is nothing that will change the mind of a trump voter at this point in the game. And I mean "nothing" literally. If trump were to murder a soldier, 5h!t on his dead body and then go fvck his widow on prime time TV, a trump voter today will still be a trump voter tomorrow.
trump voters are every bit the issue that trump is. They are dangerous and bad for the country.
I’m just trying to wrap my head around the brain damage required to say that kind of thing to your CoS, at Arlington, on Memorial Day, near his son’s grave.
I don’t think I can.
I’m just trying to wrap my head around the brain damage required to say that kind of thing to your CoS, at Arlington, on Memorial Day, near his son’s grave.
I don’t think I can.
Imagine the brain damage it takes to vote for him
It's not brain damage. It's just Trump's inherent programming that he just cannot wrap his tiny little mind around the concept of someone doing something selflessly, that no one does anything unless there is some benefit to themselves in doing so.
I find it hard to believe there are enough "undecided" voters left to move the election one way or another. On September 4, 2020 I cannot fathom a person being unable to know whether or not trump has earned his or her vote. There is nothing that will change the mind of a trump voter at this point in the game. And I mean "nothing" literally. If trump were to murder a soldier, 5h!t on his dead body and then go fvck his widow on prime time TV, a trump voter today will still be a trump voter tomorrow.
trump voters are every bit the issue that trump is. They are dangerous and bad for the country.
Of course trump is saying he doesn’t believe Germany that the Russian guy was poisoned. He needs to see evidence, he says.
You are absolutely correct about anyone still committed to voting for El Hefty. Where there is still a bit of opportunity is in convincing people who aren't all that enthusiastic about Biden to vote for him, instead of leaving the POTUS section blank like my mom recently said she is contemplating. *sigh*
Leaving it blank is what got him the win last time. (especially in Michigan) A blank vote is a vote for Trump.
Leaving it blank is what got him the win last time. (especially in Michigan) A blank vote is a vote for Trump.
It depends. A blank vote/3rd party vote is the equivalent of a half vote for the person whom they wouldn't have voted for if they had a gun to their head. A blank vote is better than a vote for Trump if that's what the other choice would've been.
Do you understand the Games Back column in baseball standings?
Sure. The problem with attempting to correlate the two is that Baseball standings involve losses. There is no equivalent of a loss in voting
A third party vote and not voting at all affects the D & R candidate equally. Here is the simple math:
Prior to my vote, the tally stands as follows:
D votes equals x
R votes equal y
T votes equals z
Placing a vote for party T now makes the values
D votes = x+0 (the Δ in x = 0)
R votes = y+0 (the Δ in y = 0)
T votes = z+1 (the Δ in z = +1)
Both D & R have an equal Δ therefore are affected similarly.
Prior to my non-vote, the tally stands as follows:
D votes equals x
R votes equal y
T votes equals z
By not placing a vote for any party the values are as follows
D votes = x+0 (the Δ in x = 0)
R votes = y+0 (the Δ in y = 0)
T votes = z+0 (the Δ in z = 0)
T & D & R have an equal Δ and therefore are affected similarly