Oooh, you bad boy!!
Good Evening Lodge!
I am losing my mind. godmum les is struggling cognitively. mum les is also struggling. Just today I dealt with mum les wanting me to drive her to appt. Made one without asking me (par for course) on a day I have an appt of my own (also par for course). Told her when I was free in next 2 weeks and said I had multiple commitments after that. Made appt 3 weeks from now on the day we have an appt on the south shore for godmum. I suck.
Meanwhile unexplained charges on godmum's credit card she says she doesn't have and hasn't used. hours later figured that- she used them even though she simultaneously says she didn't but admits to using it. IN the course of collecting information to call company found out she fell for the paypal scam- Oh, I gave all that to the credit card person when I called them this morning about a bill for hundreds of dollars. Let them into her laptop, gave all sorts of personal information including SS#, CC #.
I am so going to heaven.
Not sure if I ever updated this here but I must admit reading this makes me thankful I was finally able to get mom into long term care. She's been there since January when she finished her short term rehab for the last UTI episode. They did a cognitive assessment and determined she has dementia. We're in the final stages of the Title XIX process... just waiting for the final approval which the lawyer hopes will be soon.
As hard as it was for me go through with this, I know it's what's best for her. She's safe, cared for, well fed, and gets her meds religiously. She's adjusted quite well but still has moments where she doesn't understand why she can't go home. Usually a little misdirection gets her going the other way and she's fine for days, even weeks at a time.
There's just no way she could have continued living alone, even with in-home care. It's not an ideal situation but it's what we could do with what we had to work with. She never planned for this... thought she'd be able to fend for herself up until the day she died. Therefore, she's lost her paltry savings and all her "stuff" has been discarded. She had several items on a list attached to her will that she wanted specific people to have. I went ahead and contacted them all and if they wanted what was earmarked for them I got it to them. The remainder was donated to local charities and shelters where possible but frankly, a lot needed to be tossed as nobody wanted it. It still amazes me what a 94 yr old woman had in a very small 4 room apartment. As my wife said to me, she was living an episode of Hoarders.
As for me, I'm much more relaxed knowing she's in a place where her needs are being met. I don't have to worry everytime the phone rings, and don't have to keep her calendar straight as the home has taken over all of here care needs except for the pulmonologist and cardiologist for her pacemaker, but they're coordinating that care as well.
I'll save a seat for you in Heaven, Les. After this adventure and that of me ex-wife, I KNOW I have an express ticket to the Pearly Gates!