4am??? For a meeting??? That's abuse!!
I leave for my three-week, milestone birthday trip to Greece Friday night. I'm trying to do a million things - both personal and work wise - before I leave. My brother is coming home Thursday night so he can stay with my mom. She's OK but she's getting more and more forgetful. It was stressing me out a bit till he finally agreed. So, we're texting over the weekend. I told him I had asked my next door neighbor to get my mail while I'm gone. She, of course, is also going away (the first two weeks I'm gone) but said she could pick it up the last week. I ask my brother if he could grab my mail the first two weeks I'm gone. He says "Have the post office hold it." Like I'm asking him this ginromous favor. He doesn't have to do it every day. Anyway, I go online to set it up, see that I need to create an account, try to create it, says I have one but it's been deactivated and I can't figure out how to re-activate. So I had to call the USPS today to deal with that because he's too lazy to help me out.
Then I was talking with my older brother on Sunday. Told him I was going to see if this restaurant I like that has a side room would be available on my actual birthday, which is in October, so don't make plans for that day. He says "Oh, shouldn't that be something [other brother] and I should do? I looked at him and was like "Well, yeah but I'm going to be gone for three weeks and I didn't want to come back and have to scramble to throw myself a birthday dinner because the two of you have said nothing about it." I get that I don't have a spouse or kids and I have a mother who just isn't capable at this time, but I thought maybe my brothers, my SIL, my nieces, etc. might pick up the slack. I told him he and [other brother and mom] could pay for it. I booked the room an hour ago and want to send out an evite before I leave for my trip. [other brother] lives in LA and I'm not expecting him to come for that since he's going to be here this month. I just didn't want to wind up sitting at home by myself for a milestone birthday so I took matters into my own hands.