C'mon Q!
Good morning to tLodge!
I'd be annoyed if it ends up that they all back out. Going alone if that happens is your choice. Is there somebody you can ask last minute?So, need you to let me know if it's OK that I feel a little annoyed about something.
One of the girls on my team at work asked me about tonight's Red Sox game. Four of them were planning to go - they got the company seats. I said I hadn't sold mine so I would use my tickets and go with them. We should make a plan to meet for pre-game snacks, etc. The company seats are pretty close to mine. Last week I start checking the weather like I do regularly. Didn't look great, but not bad. On Sunday, the girl who initially reached out to me texted me yesterday to say she was sick and wouldn't go. I texted two of the other three (didn't have a number for the third) to let them know the weather looked a bit sketchy but the game would probably go on. I'm working from home today and will drive to Fenway to park, can meet them for pre-game snacks and I could probably drive them home or to their cars, etc.
This morning, another one of my teammates texts us to say she can't make it - her husband is sick, she's on dog duty, etc. Great. I texted the other two to tell them I was still planning to go, that if it rains they can probably sit with me as my seats are covered, etc. Haven't heard from them.
I'm annoyed as I gave up a sale of these seats to go and now maybe none of them will be going. I'm not averse to going to a game alone - I did that on Friday. But I had a chance to sell these seats and I gave it up because they asked me to go (though not enough to include me when they got the company seats but that's another issue). I may be able to find someone to join me but I need to know from the remaining two if they're going to the game before I start asking a few people.
Back to the being annoyed part... this is tLodge and I long for the good old days where we could talk about anything in here. In true Lodge fashion, if you're really annoyed, just hammerpunch everyone!~