Re: Plattsburgh State Hockey - 2009/2010
Part of the responsibility of an AD is to maintain a respectful, productive relationship between the department and its fanbase. Insofar as men's hockey is concerned, at least, Delventhal doesn't seem to be promoting this relationship very effectively. I just think it's disingenuous to use this to dismiss the significant positive impact he's made in the broader scope of Cardinal Athletics.
Competence is measured by more than ones academic accomplishments, a minister is a leader, and certainly Brucey’s ministerial studies included courses in leadership, administration and management. But competence also involves the willingness to enlist the assistance and guidance of ones stakeholders, in my personal experience, he as acted like a belligerent, know-it-all and you know nothing jerk. One would think that his years as a player and a coach would have taught him to appreciate athletic supporters, versus treating them with a “consider yourself lucky, I even let watch the game attitude”. To say I am disgusted with his actions so far, would be fair, I also find it difficult to find any area where he deserves credit for positive accomplishments. Yes, we have a nice logo’ed bus, but had the timing not been right and it not been convenient for Premier, I doubt that would have happened. Yes, the field house has been renovated, but that was part of a five year plan began while he was still selling fishing supplies. IMHO, Brucey has been the recipient of appearing to have made accomplishments, that really belong to someone else, the outstanding coaches and athletes he is so fortunate to ride the coattails of, I believe, someday, and probably not too far away, as I believe happened at RIT and Union, he will find it in his best interest to move on.
Some realistic ideas to boast student attendance:
Work with College Auxiliary Services (CAS) to award a $25 bookstore gift card to a lucky student spectator during each game, students already have to show their ID with their tickets, keeping them separate and doing a drawing, IMHO would spread the word on campus.
Arrange with CAS to modify its mall/shopping shuttle runs to include a couple drop off’s and pickups after the game. Yes, you can not predict when the games will end, but I am certain there are ways to contact the shuttle drivers, such as two-way radios or cell phones.
Have Burghy pick a student fan and give them a small prize, such as a tee-shirt or other item from the souvenir booth.
Begin promoting the free tickets and the program during the student summer orientation program.
Offer students a chance to pick-up free tickets for their entire family – not necessarily for every game, but at least one per semester, yes, there would need to be some logistics to prevent abuse, such as requiring names be written on the tickets when they are picked up, and ID be shown at the door, I am sure this is a workable program.
Sponsor/subsidize spectator buses, perhaps using some of the money from the $400 VIP ticket sales, this, as with any startup might take time to catch on, but IMHO, within a year or so, with a consistent, stable and affordable program, would be successful.
These are just some quick ideas I came up with in about 30 minutes, I am sure there are many ideas available, if he simply tried/cared.