Is there a specific reason why they will only have six teams?
Really good insight by Lindsay up in the thread - very much agree with the sentiment. A pro league is a business and has to sustain itself as one. I was very surprised at some of the salaries being tossed around - someone asked before where that money was coming from and I guess now we have the answer - they did not have it. For comparison I think the ECHL (mens pro AA) pay their players like $500/week plus housing during the season only. That is like $30K max for the player and that is with an established league that has paying attendance of around 3000-4000 fans a game. That is a semi-pro league with semi-pro salaries. This new league will have to be the same with the players needing to supplement their incomes if it has any chance to survive I think. Out-of-box thinking would be to have the women's league play during the summers or in non-traditional markets. I know it is gimmicky but it would give the players a chance to coach during the 'regular' hockey season to make some more income. Maybe have the league be in Florida or something during the summer. A lot of causal fans might be interested to sit in an ice rink and cool off while being entertained.
Is there a specific reason why they will only have six teams?
Is there a specific reason why they will only have six teams?
Breakdown of PWHL players' compensation including salaries, housing, and meals, https://thehockeynews.com/womens/pw...details-new-professional-womens-hockey-league
$1,500 a month just for housing …hard to believe back in 2017 the Olympians were getting less than that from USA Hockey in total. Whatever shortcomings still exist, things have come a looong way in 6 years.
Jeff Marek had Stan Kasten on the Jeff Marek show yesterday (radio that also gets published as podcast). He’ll have Jayna Hefford on today.
Here is a report that I’ve written, covering how the PHF contracts are cancelled (as of Mon July 10)—and how puck drop is reportedly coming soon (~Jan. 1) in the new league:
Link to Google Drive pdf
For starters, much disruption comes, given both that the ownership has voided PHF contracts and that only some players in the PHF and PWHPA will sign contracts in the new league. Most recently, the collective bargaining agreement passed unanimously on Sun July 2 is a good step in the ongoing fight for working conditions, and my document here details what is public so far about the CBA.
10 Doggie Biscuits for you Bow Wow for the great article. Really did a great job coherently pulling together information from a lot of different sources. Thanks.
Here is a report that I’ve written, covering how the PHF contracts are cancelled (as of Mon July 10)—and how puck drop is reportedly coming soon (~Jan. 1) in the new league:
Link to Google Drive pdf
For starters, much disruption comes, given both that the ownership has voided PHF contracts and that only some players in the PHF and PWHPA will sign contracts in the new league. Most recently, the collective bargaining agreement passed unanimously on Sun July 2 is a good step in the ongoing fight for working conditions, and my document here details what is public so far about the CBA.