"A lot of daughters bleeding out from getting procedures done after the 26 week (6.5 months) 'BAN' that NH has? Or the up to birth 'BAN' that MA enshrined into the State Constitution? Any daughters bleed out during Gender transition surgeries?"
99.1% of all abortions occur before the 22nd week, and the vast majority of the rest are done because there was adverse risk to the mother. gfy
So which daughters of that 0.9% you reference does Russ want to bleed out? By your stats of 22 weeks, there are another 4 weeks in NH for them to make up their mind before they walk to the parking lot. In MA, they have the rest of their term to make any decision they want.
0.9% of ABORTIONS per you = hoping the daughters of 75,000,000 voters bleed out in a parking lot and die? Overplaying the threat Much??
PS: A humorous aside - If everyone took your GFY advice, there wouldnt be a need for abortions.