Deport Right Wing Nuts
Re: Ohio State vs Minnesota 2/10 - 2/11
Noora just equaled the GWH shutout record. Pretty safe to say she'll set a mark difficult to match or break before she's done. Also believe Amanda K recently hit the 100 pt. mark. I think she's just the 4th Gopher to reach that milestone in her sophomore season. I imagine total pts. for a GWH career is a large number (coach Muzzy?) but I wouldn't count her out. Hope like heck she plays four years instead of three as did two of the four in that group...should give her real shot at eclipsing Krissy & Natalie.Getting back to hockey, are any of the Gopher players closing in on school or league records?
I honestly have no idea, but would be interested to know. Since the end of the regular season is almost upon us, it's at least a possibility.