Re: Ohio State @ Minnesota 1/10 - 1/11
I strongly disagree with your bottom line characterization of the OSU program as "dirty and chippy." So there's a factual disagreement. The mere fact of a disagreement isn't upsetting. But seeking resolution is only natural. My pool of eyewitness data is much larger than yours. I've seen the Buckeyes play every other team in the Women's WCHA in each season of the league's existence; you've only seen head-to-head match-ups. Further, you disavow anything that happened during the Lam games or earlier. And yet you're the one who's qualified to make the sweeping generalization? I don't think so.
I didn't disavow anything that happened while the Lamoureuxs were Gophers. I said I don't really know anything about it because I wasn't watching then. Those are not the same things. The extent to which I would do anything to disavow them is to wonder how relevant things that happened six seasons ago are to this discussion.
And, to be honest, I question your objectivity when it comes to evaluations of the OSU playing styles. As I said, these observations are not just mine and they are not even limited to Gopher fans. There is a widespread perception that the Buckeyes are a chippy team. If you wish to deny that, go ahead but it is not just the product of the imagination of one guy who grew up in Ann Arbor.
It's a national board, not your adopted team's locker room. Posters should take into account that there's a diverse crowd listening. OK, no one expects total objectivity. And yes, you have the "right" to post whatever you want. But my view is that, as a community, we should hold ourselves to a higher standard. If we can pull it off, people might find it worthwhile to stick around for a while -- and a real chance to trade information and test opinions will result.
Please define "higher standard". I'm not even sure what you are saying here. I'd like to think that you aren't saying that we should give equal coverage to all teams because you don't do that, either. (Nor, frankly, should you.) Every poster's posts are going to focus primarily on their own team. That's the way things go.
As for the 3 Stars, sure: It's written from an OSU perspective. I've not claimed otherwise, nor do I read you as challenging that.
I would hope you don't read it as challenging that since I explicitly said that that's how you should post.
For better or worse, we all have our vantage points. But the reason I brought up the 3 Stars is being lost in the shuffle here. My point was that I've done those posts for a period of years; and that if I was making a habit of honoring dirty players surely someone would have objected by now. There haven't been any such objections.
For better or for worse I don't think that you would have necessarily been challenged on that. I think that a lot of posters on this particular board pull their punches a lot and the ones that do aren't likely to be commenting on your Three Stars posts. For instance, I haven't done so on those posts. In fact, I hadn't really mentioned my opinion on this until what I thought was mostly a minor note early in this thread. So I would not assume that just because no one has complained to you that means that no one thinks bad thoughts about your program.
At the same time, I truly believe I send out more positive props to players from other programs than anyone else on the board. At least that's my goal. If anyone feels I'm falling short in that regard, I'd gladly welcome the critique. No one has the right to hijack a national board and turn it into a one team pep rally.
Actually, my complaint about your posts is exactly the opposite. I tend to find that you try so hard to accentuate the positive that the results are anodyne and leave me feeling that I'm getting an incomplete story and so I usually just skim through them rather than giving them a deep read. For what it's worth, I suspect that your approach is more in keeping with a lot of the people on this board and that I'm the outlier.
And I'll say what you did without any of the qualifiers. Write whatever you ****ed well want to in whatever style you want to. Feel free to try to turn the board into a one team pep rally if that's what floats your boat. A message board doesn't get its balance because each and every poster tries hard to be fair and representative of everyone. It gets its balance, if it has any, because it has a multiplicity of posters each of whom bring their own biases to their posts.
And lecturing people because their posts focus mostly on their own teams looks pretty silly when you do the same thing.
Well, better late than never. Had you posted this earlier, this last exchange of posts never occurs. I'll remain puzzled as to why it's so very hard to be humble, but c'est la vie.
I did post essentially this same thing earlier. Several times. I didn't do it in this thread, and I'm not sure how recently the last time was, but I'm not going to post it as a caveat every time I write a post about a game. Maybe you shouldn't assume that what is said in a specific post is the totality of someone's thoughts on the subject.
No real quarrel on this last section; it's simply self-honest on your part. I would note that I've tried to exchange views and information with you in the past, and have generally been rebuffed. I suspect that the biggest obstacle has been my screen name, but ultimately the reason doesn't really matter. Mea culpa: I have a tendency to believe that I can win anyone over, if given a fair chance. The truth is that no one's that good, and furthermore there's no guarantee of a fair chance. Accepting those things is my problem, no one else's.
The funny thing is that we've exchanged information cordially on several occasions, included in person. Dave introduced us during last season's trip to Columbus and I thought the conversation went fine. And if there is any friction it really has nothing whatsoever to do with your screen name or the fact that you're an Ohio State fan. I joke about leftover rivalries from when I was growing up but that's really all it is. I don't dislike OSU in any sort of personal way and, if I did have anything serious from that era it would be about Michigan State, who I also felt more of a rivalry with since football isn't really my thing.* The only school where my animosity truly runs deep is North Dakota which is for reasons that extend far beyond anything OSU has done.
A far more likely explanation is that I can tend to be a brusque person and that what seems like being rebuffed to you is not really what I intended. Some of that should be chalked up to my being autistic; there are a lot of times when my mannerisms, body language, tone of voice, etc. convey meanings to people quite different from what I thought I was conveying. This happens in print sometimes, too, so is probably an issue. (All I can say is that if you really want to hear some nasty conversation, listen to a couple of kids with Asperger's interacting just with each other; then watch the way that they don't take offense at things that a neurotypical kid would go ballistic over.) I'm not actually going to apologize for that because I don't really feel sorry for acting the way that my brain leads me to but it is an explanation. It's one of the reasons I try to be open about my autism so that people can keep it in mind when they try to evaluate my behavior. And if I say something that really does offend you please let me know. Either I didn't mean it and I'll want a chance to correct it, or I did mean it and I'll be happy to have a chance to reiterate it. Fortunately, it's usually the former.
*The exception, I think, was a discussion about Jim Tressel and that we're just going to have to disagree on.