"We" are "they". The government is not an evil assemblage of Bond villains. It's the collective voice of us.
Bob comes closest when he says it may be a bad idea to trust the public to allocate expenditures wisely. This is true, but it's also the central dilemma of a democracy. The solution isn't to hide the details from the voters -- that's just turning away from democracy and back towards aristocracy. "Whatever the immediate gains and losses, the dangers to our safety arising from political suppression are always greater than the dangers to the safety resulting from political freedom. Suppression is always foolish. Freedom is always wise." -- Alexander Meiklejohn
The solution is to educate people so they can make smart decisions. Education here means critical analysis and logic, with some math and science thrown in so, for example, people don't just fall for any poll without asking the obvious questions about sampling, bias, etc. Education means a grounding in history, so people are aware that there are sociological factors like war fever and xenophobia that have repeated again and again through history, warping the public mind temporarily and causing them to forget their political ideals and follow some demagogue's promise of safety through repression.
While everybody will never be at that level of intellect and maturity, huge numbers of people already are: homeowners, parents, small business owners all have to practice every day the sort of logical tradeoffs, critical thinking, and long-term thinking required to run a government. And in fact those are the people who vote. People too lazy to think for themselves are often too lazy to get off the couch on election day (a reason to oppose vote by mail).
The Straussian idea of an inner circle that we could trust to make all the serious decisions failed miserably, both the liberal version during the run-up to the Vietnam War and then the conservative version during the run-up to the Iraq War. Cabals may be informed, may even be on the average smarter, but they suffer from groupthink, get weird really quick, and make terrible decisions. "The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy." -- Al Smith (NOT H. L. Menken, for god's sake -- talk about a bizarre misattribution)