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Re: Obama XVII: Do You Take Your Tea Party with One Sugar or Two?
Yeah let me know when that is a possibility...that is just another myth like Kimmy's 18 holes in one in his first golf game. Just cause they SAY they can hit us with a nuke doesnt mean they can. They havent even proved they can hit SOUTH KOREA with a nuke let alone California.
I am sure the missile shield is also deficit neutral right Bob?
But, but, a missile shield is something Bush liked.Therefore it can't be useful or a good idea. At least until the Norks drop a nuke on San Francisco or something.
Yeah let me know when that is a possibility...that is just another myth like Kimmy's 18 holes in one in his first golf game. Just cause they SAY they can hit us with a nuke doesnt mean they can. They havent even proved they can hit SOUTH KOREA with a nuke let alone California.
I am sure the missile shield is also deficit neutral right Bob?