Cornell Big Red
Re: Obama XVII: Do You Take Your Tea Party with One Sugar or Two?
The other side's game has been reduced to delay, not outright denial -- the more dust they can kick up, the more years they can rake in profits without paying for externalities. They are at about 1975, "nobody can prove smoking causes cancer." They've got another 5-10 years before the gig is up.
The evolution is:
10 years research, 01-29% evidence against: (no argument at all)
20 years research, 30-69% evidence against: "There are radical theorists but they are a tiny minority."
30 years research, 70-99% evidence against: "Let's not rush to judgment."
But you have to ask: who actually benefits from this screwed-up state of affairs? The only people who benefit are those who have concrete interests in opposing any changes to the status quo. Who don't want any part of a genuine debate. That's why, to me, this isn't a Jon Stewart-esque case of "a pox on both their houses." One 'side' of the debate most definitely benefits from the current state of discourse - and it isn't science.
The other side's game has been reduced to delay, not outright denial -- the more dust they can kick up, the more years they can rake in profits without paying for externalities. They are at about 1975, "nobody can prove smoking causes cancer." They've got another 5-10 years before the gig is up.
The evolution is:
10 years research, 01-29% evidence against: (no argument at all)
20 years research, 30-69% evidence against: "There are radical theorists but they are a tiny minority."
30 years research, 70-99% evidence against: "Let's not rush to judgment."
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