Cornell Big Red
Re: Obama XVII: Do You Take Your Tea Party with One Sugar or Two?
Why so serious? Anyway, to address your silliness in roughly your order:
1) The "cleverness" was all on your side, son. You were the one who threw in the gratuitous "insult America" line that had literally nothing to do with the discussion.
2) Arianna is most certainly part of the same boobocracy as all the righties who fellate each other on hate radio nightly. It's a straw man to draw the attention over there when NO ONE is defending her. There's even a fancy-pants pointed-headed Amurka-hatin' latin name for that logic error, but we'll just call it the Magpie Strategy. And, as you say... it won't work. Try sticking to the point.
3) Firstly: I don't think you want to throw the perpetual snarkiness stone in this glass house. Not only you but a half dozen of your "my party, right or wrong" types would find that pretty embarrassing. Secondly: call the wahbulance.
4) To be fair, the standards of my Bush-bashing are non-existent. Dude's a stain on the nation, and that makes me mad.
5) "Patriotism" as respect for our country's ideals is wonderful, justified, should be celebrated. "Patriotism" as "wrap the flag around my particular parochial political tropes" is as inane for an American as it is for any other nationality -- pure dopiness -- even (especially) if it's done on July 4th. And you know that -- it's just a very easy short iron to pull out when the logical ground of your argument is caving in and you need a little raw emotional poutrage to save the day. "While it may be true that historically low top marginal tax rates have contributed to the deficit... whoa... kittens!!! We can all agree on kittens!!!" Spare us; that works on the mental deficients in the CPAC crowd but not here.
Throughout) Playing the elitism card has become a bit of a hobby for you guys, hasn't it? It's your own version of the Class War. Well, I guess once you vamp being on the side of the "little guy" even with your economics of the elites, you can fake anything.
Typically "clever" of you to change the subject to "criticizing a republican," and not the zero credibility of Arianna "I swear I didn't know he was gay, but was pretty certain he was incredibly rich" Huffington. Won't work. Your standards for Bush bashing are nonexistant. Anybody, anywhere can say anything critical about Bush and it's gospel to you. It doesn't matter much, except your perpetual snarkiness becomes a bit of a bore, especially when not tethered in the slightest to truth or accuracy. And when you engage in your typical intellectual blowhardism, quoting Prince Henry the Navigator's comments. 'Course he's contemptuous of America too, which makes him your favorite 18th (or was it 19th) century Portuguese "intellectual."
As victims of your posts can attest, in your mind "patriotism" is the ultimate sin. You snark about it every chance you get. I know, believe me, I know. In Kepler world, saying something, anything positive about America is "political," to be ridiculed and rejected--even if (or perhaps because) it's said on the 4th of July.
Why so serious? Anyway, to address your silliness in roughly your order:
1) The "cleverness" was all on your side, son. You were the one who threw in the gratuitous "insult America" line that had literally nothing to do with the discussion.
2) Arianna is most certainly part of the same boobocracy as all the righties who fellate each other on hate radio nightly. It's a straw man to draw the attention over there when NO ONE is defending her. There's even a fancy-pants pointed-headed Amurka-hatin' latin name for that logic error, but we'll just call it the Magpie Strategy. And, as you say... it won't work. Try sticking to the point.
3) Firstly: I don't think you want to throw the perpetual snarkiness stone in this glass house. Not only you but a half dozen of your "my party, right or wrong" types would find that pretty embarrassing. Secondly: call the wahbulance.
4) To be fair, the standards of my Bush-bashing are non-existent. Dude's a stain on the nation, and that makes me mad.
5) "Patriotism" as respect for our country's ideals is wonderful, justified, should be celebrated. "Patriotism" as "wrap the flag around my particular parochial political tropes" is as inane for an American as it is for any other nationality -- pure dopiness -- even (especially) if it's done on July 4th. And you know that -- it's just a very easy short iron to pull out when the logical ground of your argument is caving in and you need a little raw emotional poutrage to save the day. "While it may be true that historically low top marginal tax rates have contributed to the deficit... whoa... kittens!!! We can all agree on kittens!!!" Spare us; that works on the mental deficients in the CPAC crowd but not here.
Throughout) Playing the elitism card has become a bit of a hobby for you guys, hasn't it? It's your own version of the Class War. Well, I guess once you vamp being on the side of the "little guy" even with your economics of the elites, you can fake anything.
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