Re: Obama XV: Now, with 20% more rage
You righties are way too obsessed with me.
However, I'll tell you two problems facing the country are instant gratification and whining. If anything goes wrong, anywhere, the average citizen is too quick to start crying in their beer and then blame somebody else. A whole industry (right wing media) has sprung up to meet this demand and its a lucrative one by most accounts.
A great example is the housing crisis. Whiners want to blame the gubmint, the banks, illegal aliens, The Vatican Council, heavy metal, etc for the housing bubble. This is all off the mark. People, average citizens, the ones carrying signs saying Keep the Govt Out of My Medicare and Vote Out All Incumbents, are to blame. That means Joe Six Pack and his wife. Nobody forced people to take out loans they couldn't afford. If you make 20K a year and somebody qualifies you to purchase a million dollar home, you have to have the horse sense to look at your monthly budget and realize you can't actually afford the purchase, no matter what some stranger is telling you.
However, try and find anybody willing to admit that. Its always somebody else's fault.
Now, these same people will cry and whine that the problem hasn't been fixed. No #$%^ it hasn't been fixed yet. Its going to take awhile. That's not Obama/Bush II/Geitner/Summers/etc etc's fault. Its the fault of people who's eyes were bigger than their bank accounts.
What I admire about the Obama administration and the current Congress is that they aren't whiners, they're doers. What I've seen in the last two years is something I haven't seen since the period of 1993-1997 (which spans Dem & GOP control of Congress). Which is a willingness to tackle the tough and pressing problems the country is currently facing, instead of punting them down the road.
So, lets talk health care. The current system is unsustainable. We've all known this for decades. Yet nothing got done out of fear of electoral losses and demogauges. Too much cost, too many uninsured and no way to pay for the fixes. All three of these were addressed by the legislation. Adopting a wait-and-see attitude = reasonable IMHO. Declaring "its a disaster" = Whiner. It ain't any more complicated than that. Simply put politicians put their careers on the line to take a tough vote. When is the last time we could say that?
Financial reform. Same thing. Big money interests fighting it. Whiners and demogauges everywhere. But look at the law. Process for unwinding too big to fail. Derivative regulations. Things that needed to get done.
Afghanistan. How easy would it to have been to say "see you later" - prior admin has been fighting this war for 7 years to no effect, so time to cut our losses. Instead the right general is now in place with a larger troop committment to get the job done. This won't happen instantly, but its tackling the problem head on.
All of this isn't to say the admin and Congress have been perfect as some numbskulls will no doubt interpret. Obama needs to present a clear plan for deficit reduction (which frankly will mostly rely on an improving economy to boost tax receipts). I also would have liked less focus on "climate change" and more on "energy indepedence" which really are the same thing for this country's purposes. However, as Pierre Trudeau once said, "don't compare me to the Almightly, compare me to the opposition". Today's modern GOP with very few exceptions is run by idiots. McConnell, Palin, Huckleberry, Boner, etc. These people have no plan that will do any good. Get the Warners, Doles, Danforths, Rudmans, etc back and I can see why people would consider them as an alternative. But anybody truly expecting deficit reduction out of this crop of GOP leaders is brainless. You have a better chance of seeing God.