Hockey Knight in Boston
Re: NY Times - Fighting Could Be Eliminated in Amateur Hockey in US and Canada
As a counterpoint: the fight between Derek Boogaard and Todd Fedoruk resulted in serious injury. And for all we know, the former is dead in part because of hockey fighting. Not sure what you're getting at anyway, since hitting from behind and contact to the head are already illegal and heavily penalized. There's ways of regulating those things that don't involve dudes bareknuckling each others' heads and faces
Posters purporting to be against fighting have waled the tar out of some straw men but carefully avoided addressing the inequality between amateur rules which punish fighting (which seldom results in serious injury) and rules punishing deliberate blows to the head and deliberate cross-checking, deliberate boarding, deliberate hitting from behind, deliberate elbows and similar cheap hits which all too often result in serious injury and end hockey careers. As long as this inequality in punishment is prolonged there will be an incentive to take cheap shots - particularly by lousy fighters. With current rules and their enforcement cheap hits are simply a cheaper way than fighting to deter skilled players. Take a look at the previous thread "Suspend Kyle Rau for as long as Jason Zucker is unable to play" for supporting arguments.
As a counterpoint: the fight between Derek Boogaard and Todd Fedoruk resulted in serious injury. And for all we know, the former is dead in part because of hockey fighting. Not sure what you're getting at anyway, since hitting from behind and contact to the head are already illegal and heavily penalized. There's ways of regulating those things that don't involve dudes bareknuckling each others' heads and faces