Re: Norwich 2017-18 Season Thread: Defending the Crown
+1. So wish I could be up North and attend the Norwich game(s) to support them, but Florida weather is much easier for me, (I get cold when it is 60 degrees now). I too am grateful for the excellent work Derrick, George, Cory and NSN do to keep Norwich alive in my home and heart. And to the posters here, bravo! Great topics, analysis and humor that makes me feel I am closer to my old home in Central Vermont. This senior class are the last of the players I have actually seen on the ice in Kreitzburg and had the pleasure of meeting a few of them. However, through the media, I feel I know the "new team" just as well and have a connection with them as if I was in Northfield for every game.
I urge all who are in driving distance to attend the games and cheer on this talented group of men. The crowd can make the difference! Their motto is "I Will Try", as fans, our motto should be "I Will Watch"! (As a side note, I have watched/listened to every game in the past years online thanks to Norwich, WDEV and NSN!)
I am sure the team does not want the season to end early and frankly neither do I. "I Will Watch" tonight and hopefully won't annoy my neighbors for cheering too loudly when the Cadets win the game!