I guess you saw footage that they didn't show on TV. Do I think he was offsides yes I think he was but did they have conclusive evidence to show it, no you can only infer that he was offsides iand the rule is you have to have conclusive evidence but that doesn't matter if your BU if your BU you get the call.
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I'm thinking the refs saw footage TV viewers didn't. And the footage I saw showed he was offsides. Baaaaaarely. But still, offsides. Now, if you want to join the group here who think that replays shouldn't be used for things like offsides, or that the offsides happened so much before the goal was scored, that is a legit argument. I'm ambivalent about the whole replay thing, personally. If it wasn't in existence, game would be over. But it is, they used it, they saw the play was offsides and called it. My team benefitted so I'm glad it is in existence.