Re: Northeastern 2012-2013 Season Thread: A New Hope
Yeah, the goalie moves have been f ing ridiculous...however having had JM in one of my classes when I was a Freshman I am convinced IQ is <100. NU had lots of these types in 1985. LOL. His best quality is that he is a big fat *** kisser, but let's face it, in this society an AK can go far.
We are so screwed from a program perspective, as clearly it will take a small miracle to have this team in the HE playoffs within the next 2 years and aside form perhaps a few people on this Forum and on the Die Hard Huskies site nobody really seems to give a fat rats ***.
I saw the BB game yesterday, it was Sr. Day, and saw “Slappy Roby” in person, smiling like he is doing a great job. He is so a BB guy and not a Hockey man, yet in spite of his revered presence and affirmative action inspired “Aura”, our Huskies still managed to lose at home to a team that had only won 3 league games, before about 1500 eventually disappointed fans who had actually paid for admission. BTW, that BB program if a total joke too! The Colonial is not nearly, what it was 5 years ago, with the VCU departure and soon to go ODU and GSU. My ear on the tracks tells me that GMU will eventually follow and bam suddenly it’s not a mid major by any stretch of the imagination any longer!
In fact, our old foes in the America East with Stony Brook, Albany and VT are likely a better basketball League in DIV 1, at this very moment.
I am really giving up on NU sports in general, as they are quickly becoming the NYU of Boston from a political, academic and philosophical perspective. I have 2 tix to NU for Friday which I am giving away to a couple of the Co-ops I hired this semester and I have 4 for Sat at BU, which I am keeping primarily for the access to beer in the stands and the fact that the seats are on the glass at center ice, not to mention the fact that they cost me >160 bucks. I went to grad school at BU for 3 years and I would consider changing my hockey allegiance, but that program appears to be on its way down too, JP looks ancient and tired behind the bench so I have to tell you the Terriers are likely need a coaching change too, in order to stay competitive in the 21st century.
Anyway, hoping to at least see if we can beat BU perhaps 3 or perhaps even 4 times this year. It’s March and this will be my last post until we have a new thread that hatches in the Fall for the 2013-14 season of pain. It was great arguing with you all, have a great Spring and Summer.
Let’s face it this was far and away the most disappointing season I have ever seen, in spite of the arrival of K-Roy the boy wonder, who is the best offensive player NU has ever had, and I started following the team in 1983. Fact is, I currently see way too many holes, to make NU even remotely successful anytime soon. In fact, I don’t see the glass as ½ empty or ½ full , I see it as totally empty, and it’s the reality of this sad fact that absolutly kills me.
I expect more departures and signings lost to be a trend until JM is gone.
C-ya when the leaves turn shades of red and brown.