Re: Northeastern 2012-2013 Season Thread: A New Hope
I present to you your Northeastern Decommits:
J Gaudreau---A Berkle---Rasmus Juell
D McLaughlin-J Kovacs--Cam Askew
M Gaudreau--C Darcy?
Garrett Haar--Mike McKee
Ryan Renz?
Jon Gillies
These were not all decommits I thought you might like to have some of the facts.
The Gaudreaus - You all know the story. If JG turns pro, it will be interesting to see how BC handles little bro - who isn't 20% of the player his brother is.
Berkle - didn't come through with the grades. Doing well at Bowling Green
Juell - Foreign player with eligibility problems. Never got close to campus. Got traded to Cedar Rapids. Not playing in NCAA
McLauglin - we dropped him. A Cronin recruit (as opposed to Albie or Seb.) Claim to fame is slick goal. Justo committed to PC
McKee - Not nearly as good as he thought he was. Decommed when we deferred him for a year. WMU took him and deferred him for another year. Say something about his head being nearly as big as the rest of him.
Kovacs - Cro recruit playing 4th line at WMU. Decided to stay closer to home when Cronin resigned.
Haar - All rookie at WMU. Might have gone to BC if they hadn't had JGaudreau in their sights (while still under an NLI to NU)
Ryan Renz - Sebastien saw him on the best night of his career. Father decomitted the kid when we wanted to defer him. 2 1/2 years later, he is still available and has done little to distinguish himself in the excellent Vernon program. His Dad should be on our Hockey Christmas list.
The recruiting process is much more complex than most people realize. Lots of things can go wrong before a player ever makes it to school. Even after he's here there are lots of people (agents, advisors, OHL reps etc.) whispering in his ear about how they can help him to "realize the dream" of getting to the NHL