Re: Northeastern 2012-2013 Season Thread: A New Hope
Nearly 23 years post graduation from NU and perhaps 350 games attended, I am at a loss for words, they are far worse then the individual sum of their collective parts. That ailment is usually 100% a coach's fault and until both Roby and Madigan are gone we will have to live with it. I blame Roby for taking a guy who was away form hockey for 20 years and naming him the coach. No fault to DM as he was a well liked Dean of Administration and the Physical Plant and a fair player on some pretty good teams, however let's face it, Administrator's are usually the guys who should be making sure the Auditorium has great acoustics, planting trees and flowers at gradulation and painting fences on campus.
Hockey East is arguably like the SEC of hockey, is it not? and to that extant, this is the guy we got after a national search?
I am sorry, but it's painful and sad and I am just depressed. I am away and watched on line where the graininess and refresh rates of my Dad’s like, Pentium 90 made it seem like I was watching from another dimension and I might has well have been.
Anyway, do you think we will win another game aside form Bentley? We might squeak a win against Vermont but <5 hockey east wins is a reality. Listen guys, we are going to have to suck it up and accept it because in order to have any chance to get to of this guy moved to greener pastures and away form behind the bench we are going to have to suck so bad, that he is hopefully only a 2 or 3 season experimental endeavor as with every embarrassing loss he realistically shovels another handful of dirt on his own grave.
This is not like Cronin’s 1st, 3 win and multiple tie season. He is lost. This team has raw tallent that is not being developed and that's very dangerous because any recruit worth his salt, wants to believe he has the goods and talent to make a paycheck playing somewhere, even if its just a year in f*ing Mannheim. What we now have is a goal tending controversy. Who in their right mind takes a 3 year starter and starts platooning goalies like this is the NHL. These are kids!
I have had lost coaches in my life, who s*u*c*k*d but in Jr’s and Midgets where you just skated bye the guy and looked for direction from an on ice leader with an C or an A on his jersey, but at this level, it‘s amazing to me. My nearly 80 year old father has been watching the home games on line form Florida looked at me and said, this looks like a coach who has lost his team or has no idea what he is doing, I said, Dad, I think it’s a bit of both.
Sadly, after watching tonight s press conference in which JM assigns blame and responsibility to everyone but himself and the cast of clowns he calls his assistants, I say, take a good hard look in the mirror pal, because here is a news flash not every human being has the ability to lead, to get the most form a man or a team simply because they have been ordained to do so by the powers that be, as it has nothing to do with if you ever even played the game or not it’s an intangible "x factor" of a personality and I am starting to suspect that you don’t have "it", whatever, "it" is!
Good God! If he mentions the words “compete level” in another post game interview as the root cause for the woes of is apathetic offence, spotty goal tending or lackluster D, I am going to puke.
If disappointment were people, I would be China.