Re: Northeastern 2012-2013 Season Thread: A New Hope
Your posts are a real hoot! Do you really think that the U. would mention academic problems if it wasn't true??? By leaving before his grades came out, Darcy's academic record is kept spotless. So it cost him a year of eligibility at the college level. He has a chance to start over again at another school (preferably in the midwest, where he said he was most comfortable).
Cam was not happy with his lack of productivity. He got to center Roy and Karlsson for four games. That's when he picked up his 2 assists vs BC in game two. He hadn't made the scoresheet for the past 7 games. He managed 6 SOG in his 9 games despite playing on a top line and PP for much of his time here. Last weekend he centered the 4th line. He was disappointed with his inability to contribute more at this level - forgetting that few 18 year old freshman set the league on fire during the early part of their first season. Add to that, his academic challenges and NU just didn't feel like a good place for him to be.
The parting was pleasant, even cordial. Both the boy and his dad called Madigan to thank him for all he had done for Cam. There is no "non-disclose" agreement as some imbecile suggested and we don't expect any "well-poisoning" by Cam with respect to our other recruits in the USHL. Let's wish him luck. Now let's move on.
You mention Dongara. He was a fan favorite - not a coach favorite.
While he could bring the fans out of their seats with his speed, the rest of his game was very incomplete. Cronin didn't like his game. Madigan didn't like his game. JM didn't string him along. Perhaps he will fit in better on the wider rink at UMass.
You believe that Reggie Lewis got a pass in school. Did it ever occur to you that, (if you really are Rico Rossi), you probably benefitted from same lowered standards for athletes that, you believe, prevailed at that time?
Tonight and Sunday we have games that are definitely winnable. It was about this time last year that the team came together for a run that saw them win games in which few expected them to be competitive. it is far too early for you, or anyone else, to try to declare the season to be over and that Madigan is unfit to coach.
If you have read any of my posts you know that I am not RR, and have never claimed to be. My pal RR is coaching in the top German league and has been for many years. I use his name because he was the epitome of the perfect college player and in my view, was in some ways, perhaps the best player NU has ever had, giving 100 % in every shift regardless of your talent. Do something positive on every shift, make a move, score, assist, dump, shoot, or deliver a punishing hit, that’s how you succeed in life. My shifts now starts every morning at 6am.
You can learn a lot not playing.
Although, I was a 3 year player, I was not a letterman and never made it to a game in any attire other than a suit and tie. I spent my entire career in the rafters looking down much the same way I do today. However, I played a lot in prep school in Northwestern CT and then for 2 seasons at another small DIV 1 program where I made significant contributions, before some poor life decisions landed me @ NU, which was perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me, so I did not benefit from any preferential treatment.
Although, my affinity to the program and commitment to the university is unwavering as I feel I owe much of my life success both individually and collectively to many of the individuals (professors, administrators, coaches both Coach C and Coach F and the other players) for lessons learned while in attendance and thus I give back handsomely and with pride.
However as the vice - chief justice of the universities Student Court, during my enrollment tenure, I was privy to many of the mental lapses of the general student population including a number of student-athletes, with regard to both integrity and what would today be perceived as a double standard. So I know it existed.
As a top ranked student in the College of Arts and Sciences in my year of graduation I want to make sure some people on here understand one thing, I get lots of negative and under handed comments about the quality of the academics in my time and what you perceive them to be now. Plato’s Republic the concepts it coveys and weather you get it or not, are the same regardless of if you graduated NU in 1912 or 2012.
The stories of the academic inequality are thus greatly over exaggerated. Clearly, the university is academically a light year ahead of where it was when I attended and I must admit that this change benefits me today as much as it does any of you. Yes, the NU, I graduated form in the late 80’s was a fairly easy school to get into, but don’t be mistaken, it was not an easy place to graduate from, by any stretch of your imagination.
The University had a system that worked for nearly 6 decades, to make oodles of money by accepting 5000+ freshman, sadly most of whom were not remotely college material and weed them out over a 4 year period with a 60% attrition rate to end up graduating classes only 2000 or so. So, trust me the 2000 who actually graduated every year were every bit as smart and academically proficient as most any of the co-op students I see that we have working at our firm today. We have 10 of them right now in our office and I interviewed every one of them.
As far as Cams decisions I was only speculating and of course, think we would have been better with the kid then w/o him but if other hockey opportunities present a better future or fit for an individual then by all means , they should pursue those options. My worry is about the program collectivly and not the individuals. I don't want to die without seeing a National Championship game in which the real Huskies of Huntington Ave are not represented, they don't even have to win.
My post was geared at the fact that I think anyone who is playing sports at NU today has to do the work and must be qualified academically in general and you simply cant get in or by based on a hockey only resume. I may be incorrect. The timing of his departure is suspect to a grades release, is it not? Just saying.
There is some odd feeling that the comments left on this thing should have some biblical significance. This is a sounding board that has root in only one thing, your opinion, which perhaps the last thing that we should cherish as we are not yet taxed by our government for revealing our thoughts.
I reveal my thoughts, I just love the game, NU and have a distain for BC and BU, that runs so deep that I wish them to fail so miserably it is almost an obsession. Seems healthy to me.