Re: Northeast Regional: #1 BC vs. #4 Alaska, #2 North Dakota vs. #3 Yale
Well, my youthful friends, it seems that this thread has really begun to exceed all bounds of propriety. If the biggest "holes" that you, BCWH Superfan joe, and Dirty can poke in my intellect is not knowing what "word wrap" is and that "Meffa" is a reference to Medford,well,then, color me very proud. Except for studying (and teaching) at the Harvard School of Public Health in the late 1980s, I have not lived in Boston/New England since the late 1970s. I like going to the gym in January and coming out in my shirtsleeves (but that's just me!).
As far as "Meffa" goes, I guess it falls into the same category as calling New Britain (CT) "New Bri-UN". One of my Yale roommates FROM New Britain had to explain THAT to me once, too. No matter how one slices the salami, such references strike me as mocking the blue-collar nature of these
towns and/or the intellect of its citizens. Even more politically incorrect, it MIGHT be interpreted as mocking someone with a speech impediment or a person who has suffered a non-dominant hemisphere stroke (if that puzzles you go to medical school or look up dysarthria in Dorland's Medical Dictionary). Oh yes, I know that this post will set off a barrage of venom from the BC and North Dakota crowd. My apologies.
Before you react to this by spewing back some vitriol, try THINKING about what I wrote. Yeah, I was 22 once. I've had too much to drink and done some stupid things. And yes, there was probably a time when I thought I knew more than ANYBODY AND EVERYBODY over the age of 50. BUT I NEVER mocked someone publicly for their viewpoints. As a closing thought, BCWH Superfan joe and sterlippo, try showing THIS post to YOUR parents and see what THEY think. Finally, rather than getting drunk some Saturday night in the near future, try doing some volunteer work at a hospital or Stroke Rehab Center. You might learn something.
As for this middle-aged, out-of-touch DUDE, I will now take MY father's advice ....... that having to do with grappling with certain barnyard animals and becoming like my eponymous friend from the land of the Sioux. I AM DONE for this hockey season. My sincerest wishes for some great, entertaining, injury-free hockey and safe travels for all. See you, G*d willing, in the FALL.
My youngest of three will graduate college this semester, so I guess that puts me somewhere around these young whipper snappers parents' age.
And I have no idea W_T_F you are talking about.
Let me guess... you are a psychologist/psychiatrist?... or something within the head games profession?
Here's some more Boston goodies for ya. Please don't jump off a frickin' bridge over it.
You might be a Bostonian if....
1. You think of Philadelphia as the "deep south."
2. You think it's your God-given right to cut someone off in traffic.
3. You think there are only 25 letters in the alphabet (no 'R').
4. You think three straight days of 90˚ is a heat wave.
5. All your pets are named after Celtic hall of famers.
6. You refer to 6 inches of snow as a "dusting."
7. Just hearing the words "New York" puts you in an angry frenzy.
8. You don't think you have an attitude.
9. You know the significance of 1918.
10.Everything in town is "a five minute walk."
11.When out of town, you think the natives of the area you're visiting are all whacked
12.You still can't bear to watch highlights from game 6 of the 1986
World Series.
13.You have no idea what the word compromise means.
14.You believe using your turn signal is a sign of weakness.
15.You don't realize that you talk twice as fast as everyone else.
16.You're anaI, neurotic, spasmatic & stubborn.
17.You think if someone is nice to you, they must want something
or are from out of town.
18.Your favorite adjective is "wicked."
19.You think 63 degree ocean water is warm.
20.You think the Kennedys are misunderstood.
If you're from Boston:
1. You'll know who the cahdnal is, how to take the T to JP and what the
blinking red light atop the old Hancock Building means in the summer.
2. If you're smaht, you'll know how not to get cahded at the packie.
3. And when a Noo Yawka tawks about the Yankees, you politely end the
convahsation by saying, "Yankees $uck"!
4. "Native Bostonians know that the Boston University Terriers always win the late game on the second Monday in February."
When we say / We mean....
bizzah / odd
flowwiz / roses, etc.
hahpahst / 30 minutes after the hour
Hahwahya? / How are you?
khakis / what we staht the cah with
pis-sa / superb
retahded / silly
shuah / of course
wikkid / extremely
yiz / you, plural
How we'll know you weren't bohn heah:
You wear a Harvard sweatshirt.
You cross at a crosswalk.
You ask directions to "Cheers."
You order a grinder and a soda.
You follow soccer.
You eat at Durgin Park.
You pronounce it "Worchester and Glochester."
You walk the Freedom Trail.
You call it "Copely" Square.
You go to BU.
Getting around:
Boston is a mishmosh of 17th-century cow paths and 19th-century
landfill penned in by water. You know, "One if by land, two if by sea."
Charlestown? Cahn't get theyah from heah.
And which Warren Street do you want? We have three plus three
Warren Avenues, three Warren Squares, a Warren Park, and a Warren Place.
Pay no attention to the street names. There's no school on School Street,
no court on Court street, no dock on Dock Square, no water on Water Street.
Back Bay streets are in alphabetical odda. Arlington, Berkeley, Clarendon, Dartmouth. So are South Boston streets: A, B, C, D.
If the streets are named after trees (Walnut,Chestnut,Cedar,)you're
on Beacon Hill. If they're named after poets, you're in Wellesley.
Dot is Dorchester, Rozzie is Roslindale, JP is Jamaica Plain.
Readville doesn't exist.
The North-East-South-West thing:
Southie is South Boston. The South End is the South End.
The North End is east of the West End. The West End is no more. A guy
named Rappaport got rid of it one night. Eastie is East Boston. The East End is Boston Harbor.
About our "cuisine:"
Boston cream pie is a cake.
Frappes have ice cream; milk shakes don't.
Chowdah does not come with tomatoes.
Soda is club soda. Pop is Dad. If it's fizzy and flavored, it's tonic.
When we mean tonic water, we say tonic watuh.
Scrod is whatever they tell you it is, usually fish.
If you paid more than $6 a pound, you got scrod.
It ain't a water fountain, it's a bubblah.
Brown bread comes in a can. You open both ends, push it out,
heat it and eat it with baked beans.
They're hot dogs. Franks were people who lived in France in
the ninth century.
Things not to do:
Don't call it Beantown.
Don't pahk your cah in Hahvid Yahd. They'll tow it to Meffa (or Slumaville).
Don't swim in the Charles, no matter what Bill Weld tells you.
Don't sleep in the Common.
Don't wear orange in Southie on St. Patrick's Day (you may be killed).
Don't call the mayah "Mumbles." He hates that.
Don't ask what she's majoring in. You don't care.
Things you should know:
There are two State Houses, two City Halls, two courthouses, two
Hancock buildings. There's also a Boston Latin School and a Boston
Latin Academy. How should we know which one you mean?
Route 128 is also I-95. It is also I-93. It is not Route 128 anymore, only to us.
It's the Sox, the Pats (or Patsies), the Seltz, the Broons.
The Harvard Bridge goes to MIT. It's measured in 'smoots.'
Johnson never should have hit for Willoughby.
The subway doesn't run all night. This isn't Noo Yawk.