Re: New WCHA is dead
1. Time Zones. Traveling to the time zone next door is no big deal. But a four hour time difference? Jet lag can be a real issue.
2. Wintertime Daylight Hours. Winter days are short enough in the Lower 48. Cabin fever can be kind of depressing. Remember that feeling, now try out the winter daylight hours in Fairbanks.
3. Plane Changes. I once got an education from one of our coaches on this. Based on an actual trip, my take was: "What's the big deal? Change planes in Minneapolis, prepare for a little extra flight time, you're there." Trouble was, my trip to Fairbanks was in the Summer. In the winter, there's far less demand for Fairbanks flights, and therefore far fewer options. I was made aware of some itineraries that were truly arduous. IIRC, the worst one was Columbus-Cincinnati-Salt Lake City-Seattle-Anchorage-Fairbanks. That crazy schedule would grind anyone down. It's not saying that was typical. If memory serves, the extreme case occurred in connection with a playoff series. In other words, travel on short notice. But multiple plane changes were the norm.
As for hoops, they have smaller traveling parties. Maybe that gives them better itinerary options. Or, because they're a big revenue sport, maybe they get charter flights for Alaska trips.
I'll preface this by saying nothing below excuses the tactics of the 7 conspirators. But yes, it's a factor. In the CCHA days, our people used to complain about the trip to UAF. There are several things to keep in mind:Is this a factor in other sports? Do basketball coaches from the lower 48 complain about how fatigued players are after a trip to Alaska?
1. Time Zones. Traveling to the time zone next door is no big deal. But a four hour time difference? Jet lag can be a real issue.
2. Wintertime Daylight Hours. Winter days are short enough in the Lower 48. Cabin fever can be kind of depressing. Remember that feeling, now try out the winter daylight hours in Fairbanks.
3. Plane Changes. I once got an education from one of our coaches on this. Based on an actual trip, my take was: "What's the big deal? Change planes in Minneapolis, prepare for a little extra flight time, you're there." Trouble was, my trip to Fairbanks was in the Summer. In the winter, there's far less demand for Fairbanks flights, and therefore far fewer options. I was made aware of some itineraries that were truly arduous. IIRC, the worst one was Columbus-Cincinnati-Salt Lake City-Seattle-Anchorage-Fairbanks. That crazy schedule would grind anyone down. It's not saying that was typical. If memory serves, the extreme case occurred in connection with a playoff series. In other words, travel on short notice. But multiple plane changes were the norm.
As for hoops, they have smaller traveling parties. Maybe that gives them better itinerary options. Or, because they're a big revenue sport, maybe they get charter flights for Alaska trips.