Re: New Conference Idea
A ton of the discourse in this thread seems to fly in the face of common sense.
It is undeniable that more college hockey games are on TV now than ever before.
Further, there are even more that are going to be on TV, come next season, than are, even now.
If this were not a money making proposition for the entities televising these games, they wouldn't be doing it. Pure, plain, and simple. I mean, this is Business 101 stuff. Who cares WHAT the ratings are if you are making money at a level that satisfies the people that care about this at the various networks involved? I mean, television is becoming more and more fractionated every passing day and I don't know if the ratings some of these broadcasts are getting are necessarily all that bad any more. I have Direct TV and I have something like 1000 channels to chose from!
One can infer, because of the proliferation of games, that MORE interest in the product will be generated in it as well. I have to think that NBC, the BIG 10 Network, and CBS gave this some level of thought before basically going all in on this. Plus, as is currently being discussed in at least two other threads in the forum that I know of, the BIG 10 is certainly not going to be sitting on any 6 team conference for very long.
It's interesting to me, that in a forum like this that would seemingly be loaded with college hockey proponents such as myself, that there are so many Negative Nancys on the television topic.
A ton of the discourse in this thread seems to fly in the face of common sense.
It is undeniable that more college hockey games are on TV now than ever before.
Further, there are even more that are going to be on TV, come next season, than are, even now.
If this were not a money making proposition for the entities televising these games, they wouldn't be doing it. Pure, plain, and simple. I mean, this is Business 101 stuff. Who cares WHAT the ratings are if you are making money at a level that satisfies the people that care about this at the various networks involved? I mean, television is becoming more and more fractionated every passing day and I don't know if the ratings some of these broadcasts are getting are necessarily all that bad any more. I have Direct TV and I have something like 1000 channels to chose from!
One can infer, because of the proliferation of games, that MORE interest in the product will be generated in it as well. I have to think that NBC, the BIG 10 Network, and CBS gave this some level of thought before basically going all in on this. Plus, as is currently being discussed in at least two other threads in the forum that I know of, the BIG 10 is certainly not going to be sitting on any 6 team conference for very long.
It's interesting to me, that in a forum like this that would seemingly be loaded with college hockey proponents such as myself, that there are so many Negative Nancys on the television topic.