There are rumors on the basketball boards that Tufts is looking to leave the NESCAC for the UAA. (Washington Univ, Carnegie Mellon, U of Chicago, Case Western Reserve, Brandeis, Emory, NYU, U of Rochester) While merely a rumor, it is thought that it might be a way to solve their football woes that include the current 23 game losing streak. Since the few schools that play football in the UAA, probably do it at at higher level than the NESCAC, that doesn't seem like a solution. Also, the UAA does not play hockey or lacrosse. If Tufts were to leave, hockey would probably have mulitiple options to find a conference....ECACE, ECACW, ECACNE, the lacrosse team could have trouble finding a conference, though. Again, this is all just a rumor, but the size and type of schools Tufts is would be a logical fit for the UAA.