So, if weeks ago when this discussion happened, if I would have said, "St. Cloud is going to lose because they can't win in the playoffs" you would have been all "YUP! YOU'RE RIGHT!". That's crap. You would have told me none of that stuff matters, this is a new year, yada yada. Yes, of course I had it in my mind that if St. Cloud lost in the playoffs, it'd have a lot to do with the proverbial monkey that you can't seem to get off your backs. But that isn't an argument, it's subjective. That's the nice thing about stats, they don't tend to lie. And the stats told me at that point in the season that UMD had stronger goaltending and defense. In my mind, those things win championships, not having 10 guys with more than 30 points or whatever you had. Your team scored points, lots of them. If you played all season the way you did for the first 10 minutes of the NCHC Championship game, you would have given the Minnesota Wild a run for their money (not saying much now). But I had an assumption that bubble would pop come playoff time, at which point you'd need to fall back on...goaltending and defense. I feared those areas weren't strong enough WITH bad luck/jinx to keep SCSU afloat.
We all do better when SCSU is competitive. I don't want to see you fail. But Motzko kept building the same types of teams, and kept getting the same type of results. I'm hoping Larson will build off the offenses that Motzko had and bring a more team defense mentality to the program. He does, and we won't be having these conversations in April. You'll be heading to the Frozen Four.