NCAA Quarterfinals: St. Lawrence @ Boston College
MacDonald, of course, won the MVP (over Sabatine, IMHO.)
Here are Sabatine results in ECAC:
(I, as I said, expected Sabatine to get MVP. I, however, wasn't there.)
Can you top this (her unbelievable record):
* Five (5) of eleven (11) SLU goals in ECAC tourney;
* First, of possible three games (all at Dartmouth) against Dartmouth: 4-3 win in OT; two (2) goals (OT winning goal.)
* Second, of possible three games against Dartmouth: 2-0 win; one (1) assist.
* Harvard (one game- at Harvard): 2-0 win; both goals (including OT winner.)
* Cornell (one game- at Cornell): 3-1 win; one goal (winning goal- with 18:10 gone in the third period.)
I saw them play at Quinnipiac. Q. seemed to have game in hand. Late, SLU tied, then put it away.
Seemed some effortless. I said to my brother, "What was that?"
On her line: Karell Emard (#76). Has in SLU stats, thirteen goals and twenty two assists (35 points); is third in scoring behind Sabintine (46 points). Is something like a post-grad player. I was very impressed with her.
Big, older- seemed comfortable on ice, at her position.
I think you- BC, discount such as SLU, Clarkson, etc. ALL ECAC.
Might be a good ploy. During reg. season BC seems 'sloppy' at times, as well.
But when the rubber meets the road, you all (clearly, I think) wake up.
So earlier results (against SLU) don't persuade me.
I am TERRIBLE at slections!

Invariably hunch wrong.
But I am going (against my brother- please don't tell him) to pick BC.
"Pap, likes us over SLU!"
May be kiss of death...